Behind the Wrong Bars Chapter 4

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Chapter Four -- Sometimes you need to stop asking and just kick

I woke up the next morning feeling very, very well rested. 

I was feeling so well that I dared myself to wake up my cell mate. Which I did. "Psst, Jason." I whispered, standing up from the bottom bunk and looking at him through the bars that stopped the person sleeping in the top bunk from falling down. Demier rolled over and looked at me. 

His blond hair was mussed and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle as he woke up. "Morning." He whispered, his voice hoarse and low from sleep. I shivered, but covered that up with a stretch. I turned around and did just that. 

Lifting my arms above my head, I was acutely aware of Jason Demier's eyes on me. I rotated my arms before turning back to him. "Good morning." I chirped. 

"You seem happy." My cell mate commented, his features still soft. 

I smiled brightly. "I am! I am 100% healthy again, all thanks to you!" I pointed at him. Jason gave me a small smile. 

Then his demeanor shifted. I kept my own smile in place, doing my best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling drawn out by Jason's sudden cold exterior. He jumped down from the top bunk. "You should get ready. The bell will be going soon and you want to get to the shower early." He ordered. 

I blinked and nodded, my face suddenly void of emotion, but my mind abuzz with light, giddy happiness. As the cell doors were buzzed open, I followed Jason like a lost puppy as he once again led me through the ever-confusing maze that was the Jail layout. 

I jogged a bit to keep up with his pace, as my converse squeaked against the laminated floors. Neither of us spoke, but by now no words where needed - we had developed our own routine. 

Of course, today just had to be the day that routine broke. We were not the first ones in the shower. 

Sadly, the first ones in the shower had to be Double Ace and his gang of merry mass-murderers. They probably were not, but it was still the best guess. I grimaced. Jason's face remained expressionless and nonchalant. Double Ace leered. 

"Well look who decided to finally give in." He mocked, turning to face me fully. He stood behind the wall that protected what little was left of their modesty from those who entered the room. I was praying that he would remain there. I sneered at him. 

"Well look who decided to finally wake up early." I shot back. Double Ace's sidekick snarled at me, before Double Ace placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. I watched with narrowed and calculating eyes. For what I was about to say, I knew that I would get into a huge amount of trouble, but it was just too good to let it go. I leaned closer to Jason, placing a hand on his shoulder to give me leverage to get up to his ear. "I wonder who of them bottoms?" I whispered. I heard the man choke, before he regained his angel-like composure. 

I backed away as the grating voice of Double Ace's lackey hit my ears again. "What did you say, twerp?" He hissed. I cocked my head to the side. 

"Isn't twerp something you call someone in high school? Or did you flunk out to soon to get the chance?" 

I should have seen it coming. I knew for a fact that Jason did. The sharp pain that went across my face was certainly an indicator. As well as the ringing sound in my ears. I lay on the floor for a moment, gurgling my own blood with my arms spread wide and my legs bent at the knee. I gazed blearily up at the tile ceiling of the shower room. Finally, once my ears stopped ringing, I pushed myself up on my elbows. I blinked, trying to clear my blurry blue eyes. 

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