Chapter 7 (Final)

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-Year 2028 Winter-

Haruna is now 40 years old living in Tokyo with her husband Nara and 2 kids, Maro and Miru. Although living a happy life with her family, she can't seem to forget her first love. The monster she found at the old barn, the girl named Mami, who she tought how to read and write. She even remembered her first words. it's been 22 years since she left her and all that she has now are memories of her. Haruna sat on the couch remembering the times she had with her. 

"Mommy are you tired?" A small voice which came from her daughter Miru, interrupted Haruna's thoughts. She then stood up and crouched down in front of the girl.

"Mommy's not tired Miru haha did you need anything?" Haruna said with a smile on her face.

"No, I came to tell you that daddy will be home soon!" The girl said cheerfully as she held her arms up.

"Oh did you talk to him on the phone?"  Haruna asked and the girl responded with a nod.

"I'm home!" Haruna's husband said entering the house holding his briefcase with his left hand and closing the door with the other.

"DADDY!!"  Maro and Miru shouted with joy as they ran to their father who embraced them.

"Welcome home honey~" Haruna said softly walking towards her husband and pecked him on the lips.

Nara smiled and took off his shoes placing it on the shoe rack. Haruna went to the kitchen to prepare the meals while Miru helped her with the plates and as for Maro, he continued watching TV in the living room.

"So whats for dinner?"Nara said wrapping his arms around Haruna's waist and kissed her cheek.

"Your favorite of course, chicken curry" Haruna said preparing the meal and placing them up on the table.

Nara smiled and sat on the table getting ready to eat Haruna's cooking, Miru and Maro Did the same too. They did their prayers and ate their meals. After that Haruna washed the dishes and got things done while the kids were playing and watching TV, her husband was busy doing some work going through files and everything.

"Okay kids its Time to go to bed" Haruna said to the kids.

"Awww but I want to watch more anime! Please let me watch some more!!" Maro begged but Haruna wouldn't let him.

"Thats a NO, you have school tomorrow and its very hard to wake you up, so go upstairs brush you're teeth and go to bed. Same with you Miru." Haruna said in a strict tone.

Miru nodded and went upstairs, Maro tagged along at the back pouting because he wasn't able to watch more anime.

"Hahaha that was pretty strict of you honey" Nara said with a laugh.

"Well thats why everyone listens to me" Haruna said smiling and remembered the way she scolded Mami, the way she reacted to them too. Haruna giggled a little making Nara to lift one of his eyebrows up.

"Whats so funny?" Nara asked

"Oh nothing, I just remembered something funny our neighbour said hahaha" Haruna said still smiling.

Nara did an 'O' shape with his mouth and continued doing work.

"Im going to bed, when are you sleeping?" Haruna said.

"Ah, after I do this work. you know wolves are so hard to deal with." Nara said as he scratched his head with frustration.

Haruna turned and frowned when she heard the word 'wolf', She got upstairs and went to sleep.

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