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\ I hope that I can get an job when I get older.My momma keep on telling me to stop dreaming because she knows the reality of this world.
\Will she ever see that she is slowly breaking my down piece by piece.I deserve the riches in life like the people with the skin of clouds.
\So pure I say to myself everyday as I admire them for what they have on and how they talk.An really rare bread I say yes indeed.
\Me though I've never been called beautiful because of my skin or hair.People judge me on the things that I can't change.
\Crying everyday because of the pain.Momma I just want an world that I can truly belong to.Did the people with the clouds skin ever hurt you?
\You tried to stay strong but deep down inside you cry .I'm sorry if I'm being too forward. Its my fault for wanting more in life. I guess I'll just stay here and die.
\Maybe the people with the clouds skin will like me in time/

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