Complimenting my home and thanking me. He knows how to make a first impression.

"Oh, you're welcome. I'm quite excited for this myself." I raise my eyebrows as I remember what this meeting is supposed to be about. "But let's focus on you, Jackson. Tell me about yourself. Your family, your home..."

Jackson nods and clears his throat. "My family consists of me, my mother and father, and my two younger sisters, Cali and Erica. Cali is 16 and Erica is 11. My grandmother lives with us as well. My mother is a teacher and my father is an engineer. They are both out of the house most of the time, so from a young age, I've looked after my sisters."

"Oh, that's nice," I say, nodding. "Do you and your sisters get along well?"

"Yes, definitely. There was a time where money was tight in our family and we were all tense and we fought a lot, but since then, we've come a long way."

"That's good. What about you? What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any passions?"

"All throughout my school years I've been into math and science, like my dad. I also like to build things. Sometimes I help my dad out at work. Other than that, I spend time with my sisters and friends and my gir-" He stops abruptly, realizing what he said.

My mouth opens a bit against my will. I shut it quickly and cover up, asking, "Your girlfriend?"

"Y-yes," he stammers. "But don't worry. I broke up with her before coming here, because I know it's against the rules to be in another relationship while being in the Selection."

"You are correct," I say, looking down. "I'm sorry you had to break up with her."

So now I'm breaking up relationships?

"Don't worry about it! What about you? What do you do for fun around here?"

I look up quickly, narrowing my eyes. Since when was he asking the questions?

"Well, when I'm not busy ruling the country, I like to draw and read and go to the gardens. I find them quite relaxing," I reply, trying not to show my uncomfortableness.

"Ah, maybe you could show me sometime-"

"I'm sorry Jackson, I'm afraid your ten minutes are up. It's time for the next suitor." I stand up, smiling at him. "It was a pleasure to meet you."

"You too, Princess," he said, walking out. I swallow as I watch him leave. I am definitely not cut out for this.

A bunch of the suitors seem perfectly nice, but I have trouble connecting with some of them. I keep a mental list in my mind of those who could barely hold a conversation- Aiden Danvers from Fennley. Elijah Degray from Kent. Liam Falkov from Dakota. Others, like Carter Rye from Clermont and Jayce Ambers from Ottaro were funny and charming. I'll keep them around, even if there was no initial spark.

The list keeps going on and on. Next up: Grayson Vogel from Sumner.

He enters, and the first thing about him I notice is his hair. It may be rude, but I can't help but notice the puffiness of the black curls on his head.

"Hello, Ma'am," he exclaims as he walks towards me. I stifle a laugh. He seems like a humorous person- he has a little bounce in his step and a crooked smile on his face.

"Don't call me ma'am, it makes me sound old." I giggle and motion to the chairs. "Let's sit, shall we?"

I'm about to ask him the first question when he opens his mouth. I raise my eyebrows, watching him.

"Let's play a game."

"Alright," I say slowly, sitting up straighter.

"I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions really fast and you will answer really fast. Ten minutes isn't a lot of time, and I want to get to know you more than ten minutes will allow." The crooked smile is back on his face.

After: a Maxerica StoryWhere stories live. Discover now