But you knew that Kiku would never let you down. He always helped you when times were rough, and he always made you feel better. His quiet, yet polite and kind personality always put you at ease.

You closed your now kind of itchy eyes and took another sip of your tea. The warm feeling of the tea was like a hug right now.

After a while of relaxing silence you felt your eyelids getting heavy, even though you didn't feel like sleeping.
But you couldn't help it.


You felt a faint nudge on your shoulder, as well as a voice that was soft as silk, calling your name in a hushed tone.

Your [e/c] eyes slowly cracked open and met the chocolate brown one's, with a slight tint of amber, of Kiku.

He called your name quietly again, and when you stretched your arms and groaned he looked a little surprised but soon a small smile made it's way upon his face.

"I've prepared the guest room now, shall we go to bed?" He said softly. All you could do was nod.

As you managed to get up he was already on his way to the bathroom, and you could hear him muttering.

"I think I have a spare toothbrush here somewhere...."

You smiled as his silhouette disappeared around a corner. You stretched once more, now standing up, and started to walk in the same direction that Kiku went.

~three months timeskip~

You had just been living in Kiku's house some days, and others in some of your friends house's. It had been about three months since the night you had come here.

[bf/n] had tried a couple of times to get you back, but you never fell for it and he was now completely out of your life.

You were working on saving money to buy yourself an own apartment, but the money didn't come in big numbers right now... So you kept living mostly with Kiku, but also with your friends and family.

Today you were going to Kiku's house, you had been really scared that he would find you annoying or see you as a bother since you were at his home almost every day.

You rang on his doorbell when you got there, and shortly after the Japanese man opened the door and greeted you with one of his, pretty rare, gentle smiles.

"Ohayō gozaimasu, [y/n]-chan" He greeted formaly.

You smiled at him. "Good morning Kiku-kun"

He stepped aside and let you in. You walked in and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of his apartment. It smelled of... Him. You had gotten used to the fresh, yet sweet smell of his home.

As you took off your shoes and jacket, Kiku went into the kitchen. He then came out again with a piece of paper. You looked at the paper and then at him.

"I was just about to go and do some shopping at the store when you came, please excuse me. Make yourself at home while I'm gone, I won't be away for long." Kiku said, while putting on his shoes.

"Oh, ok. Are you sure that you don't want any help though..? I can come with you" You asked, tilting your head slightly to the right.

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