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Hello everyone and welcome to Amulet Momomiya and this is a shugo chara and Tokyo new mew crossover. Many of you may already now this story due to it originally being publish in my fan fiction account and I thought of posting them here as well so anyway I shall post the rest of the chapters soon and I hope you all enjoy this story and the others I'm going to publish. So enjoy and thank you for reading.
Prologue ~

A young woman with reddish hair was running pass houses late at night, soaking wet by the heavy rain. But not only that but she was also carrying a one year old baby girl. The child had pink hair and honey color eyes but weren't shown since the baby was asleep, while her mother cover her from the rain. The young woman had finally reach her destination soon walking up the stairs of the house before her and gave a knock. Moments later the door open revealing a woman with light brown hair honey color eyes and wore glasses.

"Ichigo-san! What are you doing here late at night and in this rain too. Come inside we don't want you to get a cold" The woman said but Ichigo shook her head and said

"Midori-san I have a favor to ask of you" She started but stop and made her bangs cover her eyes, by now she was starting to cry Midori notice this and said

"What's the favor I'll see what I can do about it"

"Would you please take care and adopt my baby girl Amulet as your own" Ichigo said handing the baby to Midori and she gasp

"But I can't she's your child" Midori said

"Please Midori im begging you... You're the only person I can trust to take care of my child and I know she'll be more safer and out of danger with you along with having a happier life, just please I beg you" Ichigo cried

"Danger? Is something going on?" Midori ask

"please don't ask Midori-san its really hard to explain but please I beg you" Ichigo cried

"*sigh* All right Ichigo I'll take good care of her... But when the time comes I'll tell her the truth... And what ever danger it is your in please be safe... For your daughter" Midori said now carrying the baby and Ichigo smile

"Thank you" she said and lean towards the baby and gave her a kiss on her forhead "take care Amulet" she whisper and said her good bye to Midori and left

'please take care of your self Ichigo I'll take good care of Amulet for your sake...but one day she'll know the truth...' Midori thought as she look at the rainy sky then look at the baby in her arms 'and from now on your name will be Amu Hinamori...' Midori thought and enter her home while not to far away Ichigo was watching letting her tears fall

'I'm sorry my dear Amulet but its what's best for you and for you to stay out of danger from those that could harm you... And when the time comes that we meet again... I just hope you can forgive me for me leaving you at such a young age' she thought and left into the raining night.

To be continue...

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