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 I stood my back to the wall, an obvious raven-like demon in front of me. It was dark like the light and it was hard to distinguish any details as though its colour absorbed any light. It had feathers along its arms and legs, chest puffed and feathers cocked. I couldn't see a beak but teeth in a black hole on its face, in between beady black eyes. His seraph blade was rested against his leg, tight in his hand. He tapped the blade against his tight jeans, trying to figure out his game plan. This Achaieral type demon lizard tongue whipped out its mouth, looking at Luke as of he was a tasty meal. It took a step backwards as though for a running start, and lurched itself towards Luke.

Like he had planned, Luke jumped swiftly to the right against the wall in the alley. The demon smacked against the wall, letting out a deep growl. He lifted the blade and as though in one swift movement, he cut the demon in half. It disappeared into a fine powder with a screech.

He let out a deep sigh of relief, the calm of this empty alley finally becoming obvious to him. Luke smiled and put his blade into his thigh holster. Thought if anyone could see him they'd see a tall 6"4 boy with blonde hair covered in black, new and faded runes littering his body. His bright blue eyes and blonde hair made it obvious to those who knew about his family, he's a blood Hemmings.

This didn't all apply to him right now though. Luke strolled to streets of San Francisco under everyone's radar. They were too busy bustling to their next stop to notice the stealthy boy making his way back to the Institute.

Luke pulled out his phone, checking the time. His feet moved casually one in front of each other, careful without tripping, and the phone reflected 6:43pm. He wasn't late, technically. Luke still had a few more minutes to get there. Though he wasn't doing what they had assigned, he still managed to kill a demon. That's something better and giving to the world instead of hunting for Downworlder crime.

"Hey!" Michael called from outside the Institute.

They boys who resided there all had a tall figure. With his boots, Michael stood at 6"5 1/2. His constantly messy hair - which he claimed was from fighting though Luke knew he was truly too lazy to style it - also gave him the appearance of being taller. Luke cowered down a bit. Michael was older and a better Shadowhunter than he believed he'd ever be.

"Hey, Mikey." Luke opened the gate. As he walked through the shield, it made a slight oozing sound which he furrowed his brows at.

"You know you shouldn't call me that." Michael retorted as he walked up to Luke. He leaned down to Luke's ear.

"There's a warlock in the building, with his daughter. The council is here, interrogating them before we decide if they can stay. They're setting off the vibe."

"What? Why?" They both turned towards the building facing the big door. Luke tries to stand stronger, but Michael pushes him sideway and jogs towards the door giggling.

Luke follows but now he's wandering slowly. He isn't lost, the eighteen year old boy has lived in this area since he was just six. He knows this place like the back of his hand, and it will always be second favourite to him. Idris will forever be his home. His home, the country of his people. Though he's been unlucky when it comes to visiting since his transformation.

"Michael!" Luke calls out into the institute as he closes the door.

"Shhh!" He gets shouted at from someone guarding the meeting room door. He bows his head in respect and slight shame. Luke attempts to walk by quietly but with so much loose metal and clunky boots on, he just sounds like a walking junk yard.

The first main hall is mainly meeting rooms. There's constantly people coming in and out of this section, and rarely farther. Deeper in the institute you'll find music room, training dorms, libraries, evaporation rooms, courts, the armory then a long corridor of at least 100 rooms. Only about 6 are taken of those who always live there.

Luke found Michael tip-toeing from one side to the other of a wide door. This room had no one guarding it, so Michael eavesdropped generously into the case.

"This is the trial..." Michael explained, jerking his chin to the group of people sitting around the common table. There's people in robes which Luke assumes are shadowhunters, surrounded by other leaders locally and the owners of the Institute: Sophia and Carter.

Luke notices them gawking at a tall man and small girl. Though she looks to be roughly his age, she's still small and delicate. Her father on the other hand, puts Luke to shame. He can't tell if he's using his powers to make him seem taller and more dominate so they're afraid of him, or to make her seem smaller and innocent in comparison.

"...but they've been on the run! They're fugitives!" Someone argues. Luke can tell that they're not from the area. They're both dressed in winter coats and layered pants as though this fall weather is almost unbearably cold.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we've got some of your boys listening in on the conversation." It's easy to tell that its Brother Calum speaking to Michael and Luke through their mind. They back away, Sophia sending them a glare. In one hand movement, the door it's slammed shut on their face.

hello this is a chapter saying lolz im posting this to hold you guys off, i will start posting once a week starting august 


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