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Hello Jordan.

This week I have a few tasks for you to complete. Feel free to use this page as a checklist.
Here are the things I'd like for you to accomplish.

-Read the whole journal. Understand your counterparts.
-Apply for a new job.
-Make a new friend (Explain your MPD, if they're a true friend, they'll understand.)
-Don't get discouraged.

MPD isn't curable, and it is easy for patients to become discouraged. Don't loose hope, for there is a way to control MPD. Be patient with yourself, Jordan. I've found that you act as if your MPD shouldn't exisit, and you'll be frowned upon if anyone learned you had it. That's not the case.

We will face this together.
-Dr. Andor

"Here you are, Jordan. I left you a few notes, and a lists of tasks I'd like you to accomplish. I highly suggest you do them, because it will help," Andor explained.

I just wanted to leave this office, especially after learning about Tucker and Sonja. I have never heard of those people in my life, and yet they are me.

Or am I them?

"I'll try my best," I mumbled, reaching for my journal.

"Jordan," Andor said, pulling away before I could retrieve the notebook. "I have a question for you."

I sighed. I thought I was actually going to be able to leave early today.


"If you had a terminal illness, like cancer, would you yell at yourself?" Andor asked, leaning towards me.


"If you had cancer, would you hate yourself for having it?"

"No, of course not... Cancer is a disease and-"

"Jordan," Andor interuppted. "Mental illnesses are just as serious as physical diseases."

I scrunched my brow together.

"I don't understand..."

"You have to be careful with yourself. Just like cancer patients are fragile, MPD patients are too. Mental illnesses require the same amount, if not more, care than physical ones. It's not your fault you have this, but I can assure you, you're strong enough to handle it," Andor explained.

He gave me my leather journal, observing my every move.

"You're brave to do this Jordan. I truly believe you can control this MPD."

"Thanks," I mumbled awkwardly, giving him a weak smile.

"See you next week, follow the notes I gave you," Andor chimed as I exited his office.

"Thank you," I said again, closing the door behind me.

Taking in a shaky breath, I tried to calm my nerves. Andor's speech hit me like a ton of bricks.

Resting my head against Andor's office door, I began to control my breathing. I hated these therapists visits.

"Oh, hello again, Jordan!" Martha exclaimed. Her soft purple scrubs made me happy. Martha was the only nurse in this whole joint that could actually bring color into the office.

Every wall was bland and boring, painted the same white color.

"Hi Martha," I croaked out.

"How was the visit today?" she asked, walking down the hallway with me.

"It was fine... Eye opening I suppose."

"Hey, it's a start right?" she smiled.

"Martha!" A man called as we neared the main check in area.

"What, Steve?"

"What time did that Ia... Isa... Whatever... What time did she say her next appointment was scheduled for? I gotta put it in the system," Steve barked. Steve was kinda loud. He was an alright guy, but he kinda scared me.

He never failed to tell me stories of his past in the Outback as a farmer, while I waited for my appointments with Andor.

"She's coming next Saturday at three, same time as Jordan. Right Jordan?" Martha checked with me.

"I guess so," I chuckled nervously, clutching onto my journal like my life depended on it.

"Al'ight, I got it. Thanks Martha," Steve muttered, tapping away at his computer.

"Sure thing. It was good to see you Jordan!" she said, scurrying away.

"You too..."

I quickly pushed through the front doors, entering the outside world again.

I swear, that office is like it's own crazy world.

Tranquility ✧ SyndisparklezWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu