The battle of Yavin

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I sit up.
"Bad dream?" He asks.
"Yeah." I sigh.
"There has to be something about that." He says.
"I have suffered from nightmares since I can remember." I say.
"Come here I got something for you before we go to Yavin." He grabs my hand. Lifting me onto my feet from the chair. I follow him as he pulls my hand behind him. I am still groggy from sleep and I'm sure my braid is a mess. "OK close your eyes." He commands. I close them. "No peaking." He says. I hear him jog off a few moments later he comes back. "Stick out your hands." He commands.
"What is it?" I ask.
"You'll see just stick out your hands." He says I can hear him smiling as he says it. I stick out my hands. He lays something in my hands it feels like fabric. "OK open your eyes." He says. I open them and look down into my hands. It is a dark gray helmet with and yellow star bird and blue behind it to make it stick out. The lenses are a very light blue, almost clear. You can just see the blue. It had a little microphone that hangs off the front.

"I love it!" I exclaim

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"I love it!" I exclaim.
"I had the jumpsuit made to fit better. Can't have you tripping on a baggy jumpsuit can we." He laughs.
"Trust me with my history of tripping just at the wrong time I would probably die." I laugh.
"Why don't you go try it on?" He asks.
"OK." I run to my room to try it on. I take down my hair as it is in a big mess. I pull the jumpsuit on over the jumper. I grab some socks and shoes. I brush my hair and pull it into a pony tail. I put in the helmet. Even though the lenses I could see the bags forming under my eyes. I run back to Poe.
"Wow! That's much better than that baggy one." He says. "We have to go." He says. I follow him outside it was still dark. "You are going to be taking the star skiff. Your job will be tending to any wounded. Stay out of the action. Here is your blaster." He hands me a small gun. "Anyone who is to wounded and might need more medical attention then you can put them on to take them back to base." I ran up the ramp. I sit in the seat and turn on the engine. He climbs into the X-wing closing the top.

"Set your ship auto pilot to Yavin. When we get out of the atmosphere were going to kick it into hyperdrive." He commands.
"OK." I say. I begin to lift off the ground. Its rocky as I exit the planets atmosphere. "Poe?" I call through the head set.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"Are you sure I'm ready for this?" I ask.
"I know it scary. But remember courage is not the absence of fear, its being able to face your fear and push past it." He replies through the head set. "OK. Now kick it into hyperdrive." He commands. I kick it into hyperdrive the blue and white flash past the window. After a few minutes. I turn off the hyperdrive. I see a green and blue planet comes into view. I approach the planet fairly fast. The ship rattling as I go through the atmosphere. I land just in the forest. I can see a cleared plain in front of me. Its night. Poe lands in front of me.
I lower the ramp and walk out. Poe has jumped out of the X-wing all ready.

"You stay here for know till the battle calms down." He says.
"But!" I start to complain.
"No buts! You are staying here!" He said. He jogged off blaster in hand. I stand there. I hear a blood curdling scream. I grab my blaster and run towards the sound without thinking. I saw a little girl standing there. She had a teddy bear in her hands. There was fire around her. I thew the baster over my shoulder. I ran through the fire and scooped her up in my arms. I ran her out of the fire in my arms. A woman grabbed her from my arms. I turned to see a storm trooper aiming his blaster at Poe's back. I tackle him to the ground. The blaster fires over us.
"Thanks, but I told you to stay put." He says helping me to my feet.
"I'm not good with orders." I say. I see storm troopers approaching. Poe sees the distressed look cross me face. He turns and see them. He takes my hand dragging me behind them.
"Don't worry! They can't hit anything!" He yells as we run. He stops behind a tree pulling me behind him. He fires storm troopers falling to the ground. That when I see the storm trooper aiming his blaster at a little boy. I run without thinking.
"Dyna!" Poe yells. I look back momentarily. Then I see the realization pass over his face. I turn tackle the storm trooper to the ground. I get to my feet kicking him in the head. I grab the little boy and run him to a group of people who are escaping into the woods. I run back towards Poe. A storm trooper is aiming his gun at my face. I would never have enough time to pull around my blaster. Even if I could I had no idea how to use it. I heard a noise above I look up. A green bolt from a TIE fighter was shooting towards us. It hit behind the storm trooper. Just as Poe shot. Poe hit him in the arm I flew backwards hitting the ground hard. I come to the storm trooper landed on me. I push him off his helmet comes off. I know that face I never could forget it.
"Will?!" I yell questioning in my voice. His curls were gone cut back to almost a shaved head. Poe ran to my side. Will was still breathing. I look at him. I can see that on his face he knows it is Will. "Poe we have to get him to the ship." Say. I can hear the pleading in my voice. He looks at me I can see the concern all over his face.
"He a storm trooper Dyna." He says looking at me like I'm crazy.
"There is still good in him! Fin saved you! Let me save him." when I mentioned Fin I could see I had already won.
"I'll lift him up and carry him. He will have to be hand cuffed in case he wakes and hand cuffed to the ship so he can't leave. I pulled off my blaster. I began to let it charge as I knew I was going to have to fire it. Poe lifted him over one shoulder. He jogged with him me not far behind. I shot any storm troopers who dared mess with us. He later him on the floor of the star skiff. "Take off his armer." He said out of breathe. I pulled off all the white armor till he was just in back pants and long sleeve shirt. Poe hands me the hand cuffs. I grab some of the bandages from the bag Marsin put in here. I wrap them around his shot arm. I hand cuff him to a bar on the ship. He is still lying on the floor. "Come on. We have to go." Poe said. I followed him looking back one last time at Will. I was still in shock that it was him. I see a girl with blond hair. She was being held by the thing in the mask. He let's her go running into the trees she turns towards me. I fire my blaster at her. She doges the bullet and lunges towards me with a glowing red light sword. I run behind the trees away from her. I turn at the sound of a blaster Poe hits her in the foot.
"For the love of Darth Vader!" She yells grabbing her foot. I jump tackling her from behind.
"You have been captured by the resistance and you will be brought to general Organa for further instructions." I say cuffing her hands dragging her out of the woods.
"Let go of me I demand, I am with the first order!" She screams I keep dragging her.
"Well that's your fault." I say dragging her up the ramp of my star skiff. I put her in a small metal cell. I turn to leave but trip, I look down to see her foot.
"Bad first order sith thing." I say then close the door.
"I am not a thing, I am vada Ren!" She yells.
"Blah blah blah that's all I'm hearing right now." I say.
"Give me back my light saber!" She yells.
"I don't have your light saber princess." I say knowing it will make her mad.
"STOP CALLING ME PRINCESS!" She yells at me.
"Hmmm...." I say like I'm thinking. "Can't promise anything." I reply laughing.
I take off.
"You have no right to keep me here!" She yells.
"Poe." I speak over the radio. No reply. "Poe I'm headed back to base I have captured a woman from the first order and I'm headed back to base." I say. I hear a sound. He picks up the helmet.
"Dyna?!" He says sounding frantic.
"Poe? What's wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing other that you scared the living daylights out of me. Just before you kick into hyperdrive wait for me to destroy these stormtroopers and I will be back at base." He says.
"OK I will be waiting here Poe. Just let me know when you are going back I will go ahead and set my auto pilot. Just tell me when your going to go into hyperdrive." I say.
"OK. So you caught a follower of the first order." He says I can hear him firing in the background.
"Yeah she says she's Vada Ren. I'm not sure what to think of her, except she is a fighter. Thanks for shooting her in the foot I think she was gonna kill me." I say.
"No problem. Just keep an eye on her she may be able to use the force." He says.
"Well I got her hand cuffed." I say. I hear him stop firing. "Poe?" I ask.
"OK. You can kick it into hyperdrive." He says. I sigh in relief.
"Hey you might want to hold on to something back there." I yell at her.
"I don't take orders from you!" She screams back.
"Fine suit yourself." I say kicking it into hyperdrive. I hear her fall with a little scream. I laugh a little. In pull out of the hyperdrive and see D'Quar coming into view. Its shaky as we enter the atmosphere.
"Land close to base." Poe says into my head set.
"OK." I say landing close to the base. Poe lands. I open the ramp. I walk to her cell.
"OK time to leave." I say to her.
"I'm not going anywhere!" She screams. I open the cell she runs past me. I grab her and pulling her back. She kicks I duck and get behind her. I twist the cuffs. She let's out a very small yelp. I push her towards the ramp. Poe runs up the ramp Marsin by his side. Marsins mouth drops open at the site of the girl I am carrying off.
"Can you grab him and bring him in the base?" I ask.
"Yeah." Poe says. I continue to drag the girl out of the ship.

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