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(b/f/n) - best friend name
(y/n) - your name

Kai had asked you to go on a date, to see if the feelings you had for each other were in fact liking more than a friend, which you agreed too. 

He had told you to wear something fancy, but gave no hints to what to actual date was.

Currently, you were with (b/f/n) in your bedroom trying to figure out what the heck to wear, but you were at a loss.

"(B/f/n), I have no idea what to wear!" You croak, digging in your closet. You decided earlier you'd wear a red dress, since red is Kai's favourite colour and it compliments your eyes. "I'm such a mess!"

You plop on your bed, and rest your head in your hands. You've got thirty minutes to be ready, cause that's when Kai will be here.

"Calm down, girl! Let me have a look.." she drifts off as she searches all over your closet, scattering clothes everywhere. Guess the first chore you'll have when you get back is to clean up this mess.

"Aha!" (B/f/n) triumphs. "This is perfect!"

The dress was red, a dark red almost matching Kai's regular ninja gi. It went to about knee-length, and it wouldn't show a lot of clevage nor a ton of your legs. It was perfect.

"I didn't even know I owned a dress that pretty," you gap.

"Well don't just stand there! Try it on!" (B/f/n) rushes you into the bathroom right next to your bedroom and you start changing.

Before you are ready, (b/f/n) knocks on the door. "I've got matching shoes!"

You chuckle at her while you try to zip up the dress but it ends up getting stuck. You open the bathroom door and (b/f/n) gasps.

"You look amazing!" She exclaims. "They grow up so fast." She sniffles and wipes away a fake tear, and you roll your eyes.

"Help me with the zipper already."

After a few tries with the zipper, it finally comes loose. Now with only ten minutes until Kai arrives, you scramble trying to make sure everything is perfect.

Dress, check. Heels, check. Purse, check. "Why do feel like I'm missing something?"

(B/f/n) shrugs, and then does an excited happy dance. "I can't believe it took this long for you guys to finally go out."

"What do you mean?" You perk your lips while folding your arms.

"I dunno, I mean, it was always obvious you two had some kind of connection," she smiles. "I'm glad to see you happy though."

You give (b/f/n) a huge bear hug, then you hear the doorbell. It's Kai. He's here five minutes early, about the only time he'd ever be on time.

You and (b/f/n) race downstairs, but she reaches the door first since you can't walk that fast in heels. Little did (b/f/n) know, you had your black converse in your purse just in case.

"I want her home by eleven, got it?" (B/f/n) says strictly.

"(B/f/n), you don't have to be so strict, let us have fun," Kai replies slyly, only making you giggle.

"Don't make me change it to ten-thirty!" (B/f/n) scolds.

Finally, you come into Kai's view, he's looking as hot as ever. He's wearing a black suit, with a red tie.

He notices you and his mouth drops to the floor and his eyes go wide like saucers.

"Is it that bad?" You ask softly.

"God no (y/n), you're freaking hot." He gaps. But when he gets a playful slap on his shoulder from (b/f/n) he changes his wording. "I mean, uh, stunning, you look freaking stunning."

Blush creeps onto your cheeks and Kai becomes a ripe strawberry.

You two stay for a minute, with (b/f/n) demanding to know what kind of date you're going on, will there be food, kissing, and etc. She's basically playing the dad roll in this entire play.

Kai whispers the plans for the date, you try eavesdropping, but that's no luck. You're still not for sure what tricks Kai has up his sleeve.

"Aw that's so cute!" (B/f/n) squeaks. "She'll love it."

"I know she will," Kai confirms.

"Are we going or should I just change?" You scoff, tapping your foot impatiently, from a few feet away.

Kai smirks, and looks you up and down, making blush reappear on your face.

"Let's go," he hold out his hand for you to take, which you gratefully accept.

He leads you out the door, while (b/f/n) stands on the porch. "See you two lovebirds at the alter!"

You and Kai laugh at (b/f/n)'s remark, and this is when you notice Kai's red motorcycle. It has flames all over it, and it looked pretty sweet.

"Are you going on a date with my motorcycle or me?" Kai asks with his famous pouty face.

"You, you dork." He hops on the motorcycle and helps you on. Once you both have a helmet on, you wrap your arms around Kai.

He stiffens at first, but then you can feel his back muscles relax as they get used to you.

"Hold on," Kai mumbles, barely audible with his jet-black helmet on.

He fires away at the engine, and before you know it, you're flying down the street. You snuggle your body closer to Kai in hopes of feeling a little bit safer, and thankfully it helps.

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