a new home

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June 13th, year X435 is the day we were brought to this place

I, along with a bunch of other children, were forced into a gated town. "This will be your new home." We were told. We were all from vampire towns, I had never been in a place with more than 800 people in it. "I am pretty sure by now all of you are confused as to what is going on." Twenty five minutes later we were left alone. The few adults that were left alive from each town took small children in, I had no family here, no friends except for Erza. She had family though. Her younger siblings.

I stood against a tree as everyone found one another, litteraly everyone had some sort of family. Back home, it was just me and mother. But now that mother is gone, all I have is myself. "Uh, Isabella?" I heard Erza say, the poor girl was frightened, she was still human. "Yes Erza?" I reply, not even looking at her. She was coughing, "i-im afraid." She said, my eyes widened, I had never had someone confide to me before. I was in shock. "H-hey. Whats wrong?" She asks.

How would I be able to tell her she might die? The change was so obvious if you knew what to look for. Mother taught me that, "N-nothing Era." I said, shaken. She oddly seemed to like the accidental nickname I gave her... "Okay, m-may I call you Bella?" I looked at her no emotion on my face, and in a nonchalant tone I say "sure. More power to you."

For once, someone did what I never thought they would, Era hugged me. I had only been hugged a handful of times, and only by my mother. "What's going on?" She asked, she was experienceing symptoms of the change. "Nothing, I'm fine." I said, walking away from her, the people who had brought us just called my name for housing assignment. I was being placed into an apartment, yay. Alone time.

I got to my apartment, the room was empty, obviously waiting for me to take the control panel and decorate it. I took the odd shaped controller and pointed to where I wanted everything. My favorite color was red so pretty much all my furniture was either red, white or black. After decorating my apartment, I take a shower and change out of these three days old clothes and into clothes that were assigned to me. I was the only young vampire here, and as a young vampire I was considered an adult, but I still had to go to school until I was eighteen. Maybe this place would be fun, or maybe this would be the place I die. I didn't care at this point

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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