As we were bowling, my dad kept trying to tell everyone that what they were doing was wrong. He is like this with every sport. He thinks he knows everything and tried to correct us. Finally, my mom snapped and she told him to let us all have fun with it being criticized. I was so happy! We all had so much fun bowling together despite that small moment. We finish and Justin wins! Benjamin in 2nd place and me in 3rd place. I was very surprised I did that well. My dad was in 3rd place, but once he was put in his place, he started getting less points. I mean I was rooting for him at the beginning though, so I don't deserve karma. Justin whispers in my ear "I would ask for a congratulatory kiss, but we are in public, so later yes I want a kiss." I whisper back "Okay. I'm good with that." He smiles and we lean apart from each other. We all change into our normal shoes, then we walk up to pay and give back our bowling shoes. After that, we walk out and climb into the car.

We drive to the snow cone//sno-ball stand. We park and we get out. We get in line and wait for our turn. We get close to where we can see the menu. I look over and see so many choices. What to have what to have. Grape, strawberry, cherry, pineapple, mango???? Gosh so many options. I say to Justin "Hey. What are you getting?" He replies "Probably watermelon. What about you?" I reply "I have no idea. There are so many options. I don't know what to pick." He laughs and says "Okay. Good luck with that." I smile and keep looking at the list. I eventually decide on something. It's our turn finally. We all order and we get them. Yay! I decided on mango pineapple. So good. We walk over to these tables and we enjoy our snow cones//sno-balls. My mom says "How is everyone feeling? Is this a worthy treat to have after bowling?" Justin says "I really love this treat. I'm very glad we came here. Bowling was fun." Benjamin says "You only had fun since you won. Anyway, I love this treat." Wow, what is your problem Benjamin? Geez. Benjamin is such a sore loser, I mean gosh. I see Justin nod and he says "Sorry, but at least you got second place." Benjamin smiles and replies "True." We all continue to eat our treats until we're done.

As we're getting up, two girls around the age of 12 walk up to Justin with huge smiles on their faces. I walk over to my mom to wait for him to finish with them. One girl says "Excuse me, Justin, may we each please have a picture with you?" Aw how sweet of them. Justin smiles and says "Well since you said please. Who first or do you want my photographer to come over and take pictures and videos of all of us together then separate?" The girls squeal with excitement then say "Oh my gosh. Your photographer would do that for us?" Justin replies "Yes she would. So, yes to my photographer?" The girls nod and Justin calls me over. I walk over and say "Hi. I'm Justin's photographer for his trip. Would you girls like me to film a video and take pictures throughout it on both of your phones?" One of the girls says "Yes please. That sounds amazing. Here is my phone." She hands me her phone, then the other girl hands me her phone. I start the videos. Justin says "What are you girl's names?" The girl who has talked the most says "My name is Bella." The other girl says "My name is Anna." Justin says to them "Wow. Such beautiful names for such beautiful fans." Both girls smile really big and say thank you. Justin says "What are your favorite colors?" Bella says "My favorite color is lavender. I really like the way it looks and I love the scent." Anna says "My favorite color is sunset because I love watching the sun set. Is your favorite color still purple?" Justin high fives them, which I make sure to take a picture of. Then, Justin says "Yes, purple is still my favorite color. I love that you both have reasons behind your favorite color. Okay, what pose do you each want to do separately then together?" Both girls tell him their pose for together and I take a group picture on each phone. Bella goes first with a picture with Justin then Anna goes. They give him a goodbye hug and I end the video. I hand them each back their phones and they both say thank you to me. That is very nice of them to thank me. That right there is kind fans. The girls get in line and we walk off to the car.

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