Chapter 1: Scorched

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Crystallised white impacting with scorching black coffee is not how I expected to start my day. A muffled moan of pain slips from my lips as the hot substance burns through my new blouse I only bought this morning.

Dropping my luggage bag to try and desperately pull the now muddied shirt and blazer away from my blustering skin I came into contact with two purple leather covered hands reaching out to help. Tears drip from my frustrated emerald hazel eyes as I have to now squint into the morning sunlight at the outline of a figure in front of me who is leaning into my personal space.

Hissing withdrawal of a breath follows from my clenched lips as that woman is then jostled into me by commuters getting off one of the trains now pulled into the busy platform.

"The London to Gatwick Train scheduled for 06:45 has been delayed by an hour due to engineering works. Apologies for any delays this may cause to your journey!" blares out across the station and flashes across the platforms display board.

Shaking my head I realise in a split second I'm now going to have to take the tube or else I'll be late for my interview, cursing choice words under my breath I wave away the female who split the coffee over me and not really paying attention to what she's saying or looking at her I wave her off. Scooping up my luggage bag I swivel around and shout over my shoulder "It's fine, don't worry about it!" through gritted teeth as my stomach now stings painfully as I start to run to get down into the subways.

(An hour later and 3 Tube Stations and a stop at Boots' Chemist outlet later)

Staring into the mirror of the Starbucks bathroom I've landed up in, looking to check to see how much of the stain I have managed to remove, I can only be grateful that my suit blazer can be buttoned up to cover the massive stain showing below my stomach. Placing the cold pack against my stomach that I purchased from Boots after exiting the Gatwick Tube Station I sigh in relief. Checking my watch shows me that it's now 15 minutes before I have to get to my interview. Thanking small mercies that this Starbucks is only around the corner from the Multinational company I need to go too.

Exiting the bathroom I stride towards the exit and try to calmly approach the imposing skyscraper over the road from the Starbucks. Embolden gold tinted letters of the company's name slightly glows against the blue tinted glass wall front that surrounds the revolving glass doors of IBM's English Headquarters. Taking a few calming breaths and chanting in my head I can do this, I walk through the doors and up to the main reception. After being asked to follow a security guard up to the 13th floor (which ironically as this was a Friday did not bode well in my thoughts, how right I was with hindsight). I was lead to a small but luxurious waiting area to wait for my interviewer, Mrs Debroir, to come and collect me.

Authors Note,
Writing is new to me so feel free to offer an constructive criticism but no flaming please as this could be slow updates or even be any good. :)

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