"Mom, I'm sorry! I swear I'm sorry I'll never do it again please. Please.. I wanna go home." Rory cried as a small child might.

"Then lets go..."

"Wait, I called Jess, he's coming."

"Okay well Emily, Richard and Logan are coming too."

"Ugh, mom no...not Logan."

"What? You feel ashamed now?" Lorelai got angered again.

"Mom, listen..." Rory wanted to explain.

"No." Lorelai cut her off. "There's nothing to listen. You messed up for the last time. You've hurt everyone. Having sex with Logan? While married? Really Rory?"

"You had sex with Logan?" Jess came up, Lorelai was yelling pretty loud.

"Jess!" Rory was startled. "No! I didn't!"

"Now you're lying? Wow Rory. I'm leaving this to you." Lorelai left.

"No! I didn't have sex with anyone. Ask Logan. He was going to but I told him no! Oh my gosh, no one is listening to me." Rory ran off again, just to the bathroom, she wanted to get away from this. She was tired of people not listening to her.

"Rory, come back."

Logan and her grandparents just walked in, they ran over.

"Where's Rory?" They asked.

"In the bathroom..." Jess answered. "Logan did you have sex with Rory?"

"What?" Emily almost yelped.

"No, I didn't, I was trying to get her to, but she wouldn't. She said she was married, she wasn't going to ruin that."

"Thank God." Jess sighed.

"Where's Lorelai?"

"She left." Jess said, "She got mad and left."

Rory came out of the bathroom.

"Roy, why?" Emily asked. "Why leave? You should have just came to us, talked to us."

"No! I couldn't! Mom was yelling at me. Someone take me home."

Jess did, the others headed back.

"Rory, you need to talk to your mother. I'm taking you home."

"Fine. But she'll just be rude to me, and tell me how stupid I am. It's something she loves to do now."

Jess dropped her off and headed to work, he had been with Luke for the day, but had to head to the night shift. Rory went up to the door and rung the bell. Luke answered.

"What Rory." Luke was mad at her, he felt bad at first that she had ran off, but not when Lorelai told him that she had 'cheated'.

"Can I talk to mom..." Rory put her head down.

"Maybe you should just find someone else to come to. You're mom's upstairs and she's really upset with you right now, seeing you would probably piss her off even more. You should leave, Rory."

"What did she tell you."

"Enough, and frankly, you're acting immature. Sleeping with a married man, Rory. You really did that? Sweet little Rory, sleeping with a married man. Not so sweet anymore. You need to get out of here."

"Okay Luke. I'm sorry." Rory didn't bother to explain that she never had sex with Logan, nobody listened to her anyway. She couldn't believe how Luke just talked to her, he had never played the 'father card' on her, he was always just her supporter, a friend. Why wasn't anyone listening to her she thought as she sat on a bench at the side of the house. Jess was gone, no one could pick her up. She was alone.

Rory sat and cried, she had no one to be with. No one...she sat and just let it all out. She couldn't hide it anymore.

Luke heard a noise, he went outside.

"Who's there?" Luke walked around the corner and saw Rory crying.

Damn I did it again. Luke thought, I made her cry, I made Rory cry. Luke felt so bad, he let his tone get way out of hand.

"Rory...I'm sorry."

"You didn't even listen to me Luke! You know I never had sex with Logan. Mom never let
me explain. I never did that, Logan wanted it, I told him no." Rory threw a rock to the distance. "No one listens to me." She broke down. "Why. Why don't they. I'm alone."

Lorelai heard everything. "Rory, I'm so sorry. I didn't listen."

The world around them was silent. Not a word said. The whole presence was painful. Everyone was upset. Luke went and hugged Rory. "I just don't want you hurt."

"Neither do I." Lorelai said.

They invited her in and they sat and hung out for the rest of the night. Rory told Jess he was staying there.

{next chapter will take place in the morning}

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