Chapter 1 - The Meetup

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  • Dedicated to Shay Butler

Today is finally the day! The orphanage is taking some of us to Disneyland! I saw the SHAYTARDS go there twice in their vlogs. It's so cool! I am so happy to be going there. Thanks to them, I know exactly what I want to ride. I spent the whole night watching their videos of their trips over and over until I was escorted back to my room. This will be my first time on a rollercoaster! Talk about nervewracking...

I have an hour of downtime before we leave, and I've already gotten fully prepared. I woke up at about 5 AM and the trip is at 9. I take the government-supplied cell phone that I was given to see that my best, and only, friend Ciera has texted me and told me to meet her in the backyard. I take my bag where I keep all of the things I will need and head down to the backyard.

I meet up with Ciera on my way downstairs. "You have the picture just in case, right?" she asks me. Ciera has never really gotten into the SHAYTARDS, but she knows how much I love them so she goes with it. I grab the family photo that I printed from the ancient computer in the recreation room. I would love to get a real picture, but I cannot get my hands on one. We head outside and each pick up a torn glove and a baseball that is torn at the seams and began to throw it back and forth to each other.

Orphanage life isn't the best, but it beats the streets and abusive foster homes, which I have endured in the past. "So tell me again, what's so special about these SHAYTARDS?" Ciera asks after a few minutes of throwing. I compile a list in my mind that I will only be able to translate partially into words. "Well, their kids are PDP, they are an amazing family, Shay is an awesome role model and my father figure, I would kill to have siblings like Princesstard, Sontard, Rocktard, and Babytard, shall I continue?" I say while throwing. She gets tired and rolls the ball towards the building and tosses her glove to the side. "Nah. I understand," she says. We sit on the grass and stare at the sky, bored as ever. I can't wait to get to Disneyland!

We are called to the dining hall for breakfast where we get toast and pancakes. It is about 8:30 and everyone is too excited to eat. Ciera and I quickly eat our pancakes and leave the toast for later when our stomachs settle. At 8:15 we are called to board the rental bus that Mrs. Wang got for the occasion. I take a seat in the middle of the bus with Ciera, which I find to be the best place to see things. The people in the front call out things they see and I can catch it. If someone in the back sees something, I can catch that too. After a quick roll call, the twenty of us going excitedly cheered about going to Disneyland. This is the first time for about 90% of us. There are the few people that got to live with their parents who showered them with everything they wanted for years. We start driving to the location, which isn't that far from the orphanage. 

Because I am so excited, it seems like forever before we reach Disneyland. Ciera and I tried everything to pass the time. We played card games, told stories, and even went through our ride lists, but nothing worked. Soon enough, we reached the parking lot of Disneyland! We are planning on staying in a hotel for one night and visiting both of the parks during the day. The charity had payed for our rooms already, so we didn't refuse it. Everyone fights to get out of the bus first, but me and Ciera wait them out and leave after them. We pull out the tickets we were given this morning, and formed a single-file line in front of the ticket scanner. The line quickly went down, and when two more ticket stations opened we spread out and it went even quicker. We were all told that we had to pick a buddy and stay with them the whole time. We were to meet at the castle to go somewhere for lunch.

Ciera and I ran straight to Tomorrowland so we could get on Space Mountain before the lines get to long. This early in the morning there aren't much people. After a surprisingly quick 15 minute wait, we get in the loading area and strap into our "space shuttle". The ride takes off with a drop and we are plunged into complete darkness! All we can see are little lights that are supposed to be stars. All of a sudden, we start going really fast and going on drops and climbing up. Then we get to a part where we spin around in circles! This is a really amazing time! Finally, we drop and end up in the exiting area. We step off of a ride and head towards the outside. "That was a super amazing first rollercoaster!" I say to Ciera. She agrees and we walk towards Critter Country. I really wanna ride Splash Mountain!

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