Secrets- Chapter Twenty-Four

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Shelly's POV

"You sure?"


Kyle hovered over me, and with great ease sank into me.

The pain was worse than I thought it would be. I closed my eyes, wishing it would go away. My breathing became slightly labored, and I became scared.

"Look at me baby," I heard Kyle said into my left ear.

I opened my eyes and started at him. With tender care, Kyle started to move slowly. The pain slowly vanished, and my breathing became labored for a whole different reason.

While Kyle was still moving slowly inside me, I tilted my hips up to try and make him go deeper. Kyle moaned and started a faster rhythm.

Thrust for thrust I met his hips and it wasn't long until pure bliss overtook my body. 

My very first orgasm!

The sensation was unbelievable, and total carnal. The need and want for more completely shadowed everything else.

I could tell I would be hooked on this feeling, of Kyle buried deep inside me, forever.

Kyle let out another growl and then stilled inside me, finding his own release.

The noise he made as he lost himself made me tip over the edge, one more time.

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