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The earth shook, everything was blurry as I opened my eyes. Oh no! It's an earthquake! Being my first thoughts.

'Rebecca! Rebecca! Rebecca!' Someone shouted. I rubbed my eyes to remove the slight blurriness and to see which idiot had a death wish early in the morning 'Jace? What do you want?'

'You have a call.' He said, making me notice the phone he was holding in his hand.


'Rebecca! Where on earth are you?!' An annoyingly high pitched voice screeched into my ears. Wow, this person certainly had the guts to call me; disturb my sweet slumber and cuss at me. I rubbed my eyes to remove the slight blurriness and checked the caller ID and tossed my phone slightly, catching it in time. Shit! It was my A&R coordinator 'I am sorry Melissa. You just woke me up from my sleep. I didn't realise it was you.'

'Rebecca, you are sleeping!' Melissa shouted in my ears making me flinch and hold the phone at a distance from my ear.

'What happened Mel?'

'Great! Check the news Rebecca, you are all over them. You cheated on your fans-'

She went on ranting but after that I tuned her out as realisation flooded upon me. How could I forget? I had a concert the previous night. I let my fans down, how could I be so careless? I could have at least informed Melissa. I could have made it to the concert, all the drama with that idiotic Truth was over, but no I had to rest. I had to forget. My whole career is going to be, no was ruined. I have come this far, not to lose it because of my carelessness. This couldn't be true, this all was a figment of my imagination. I didn't want to believe any part of it. It was like those daily soaps, where everything just gets right and the series is going to end but then because of high TRP ratings the production committee decides to extend the serial by bringing more problems.

'-I should have known it. You people always dominated that poor Cassie-' Now I was really confused. How did it go from me not going to the concert to Cassie being my manager '-I have called you to inform you Miss Rebecca our contract is off. You betrayed us all, not coming to the concert is one thing but this, this is a scandal.'

'W-What?!' No response, she had cut the call. I was truly perplexed, I grabbed the remote from the nightstand and switched the TV on. It was true, I was all over the news, it was a breaking news "Rebecca's Career Ruined" I felt something wet crawling down my cheek, it was a tear followed by some more.

I changed the channel "THE DOWNFALL OF THE CURRENTLY TRENDING REBECCA" and changed and changed. Tears like raindrops now turned into a stream, it was basically the same thing, again and again put in different words. I felt a pressure on my back, Jace was drawing circles on my back trying to comfort me, I flinched. No, I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve anyone's affection. I could have made it to the concert despite the drama happening tonight, but no! I had to be the lethargic arse I am and crumble my career. I decided there was nothing I could do and maybe for the first time in my life I felt like giving up. My career was my everything, I felt the walls closing, suffocating me. I just wanted to scream out loud, till my throat was sore and my voice was gone. My one ambition, goal in life had crumbled.

'Rebecca calm down, everything will be fine.'

'No! I just ruined it, I ruined it all-' I was interrupted by some loud screaming. My first thought was "Cassie?" but no it was a male voice, a loud and raw one, Truth, that idiot who is responsible for ruining my career. I ran towards the storeroom anger fuelling my speed, one screamed was followed by another, making me pump my legs faster, Jace hot on my heels. I opened the door and was surprised at the sight in front of me. Cassie was crouched whispering near Truth's ear and he was writhing in pain. Now this was stupid from Cassie's side, if she is so afraid of Truth then she shouldn't try to go near to him for petty revenge. She could tell us but no, she always wants to take matters into her own hands, I get it that she doesn't want to bother others but what are friends for? He also had a lesser chance of harming us, probably. She didn't have anything to worry about.

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