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I walked down the empty halls heading to the bathroom because of course i had finished the test earlier then I anticipated to. So I had gotten a free pass to just go early. I always liked
Ms. Sanders because not only did she have a nice rack but she always didn't treat me as an outsider when I was in my antisocial stage of my life.

So I walked into the bathroom to freshen up and I dampened my face looking into the mirror when I hear a little sniffle and a whimper. I stand up straight cause I knew who's voice that belonged too.

I walked up to the stall and knocked lightly.
"Avery...buddy...are you alright?" I asked lightly. A small cry of complete pain came from the door as an answer that Avery was not okay.
"Unlock the door now." I say in a stern voice. I hear him cry as he unlocks the door and I gasp.
He had a black eye that was tear stained and his arm was at an odd angle.

I grabbed him lightly and helped him to the nurse where she had to call an ambulance because she said that Avery had a few broken ribs and a fractured arm. Before I let him go into the ambulance he let out one word.
"Max." I knew exactly who that was and suddenly a surge of anger came over me.

All I saw was red as I bursted threw the doors of the gym and sprinted at Max the head jock who was trying to flirt with a bunch of cheerleaders with his other jock meat head buddies.

I grabbed him by his hair and him dragged him to the floor as he screamed in pain. Pleading to his jock buddies who were to shocked and frozen to do anything. The gym teacher nowhere in sight. Perfect. I grin evilly.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! DO SOMETHING!!! MARK!! TRAVIS!!!" Max screamed and I turned to them with an 'i dare you' look and they held up there hands in surrender. I punch max in the face a few times before finally getting tired of using my hands. I look over to see a wooden baseball bat and I smirk.

Now I'm in the back of a police car, handcuffed, and looking out at the people as me and the police officer in the driver's seat go to the police station. I sigh and the police officer looks back nervously.
"May I ask young lad why you did it. I know it's non of my concern but you broke that boy up so much I couldn't recognize if it was Max Starkly or not." He said coughing slightly.
"I did it because he hurt my brother and I promised myself that I'd never let those jocks hurt my little brother for as long as I live." I turn to him looking at him in the eyes through the mirror with a serious but honest look. He nodded and whistled.
"Well you certainly did a number on him sunny."
"Thank you." I replied quickly and looked out the window more not bothering to start more of a conversation anymore.

Whelp I'm now under house arrest. The parents of Max understood the reason why he was beaten up and they weren't gonna put any charges or anything. Very nice people I wonder why they raised such an asshole of a son...guess I'll never know.
But my parents wanted some form of punishment because what I did shouldn't have been so blown over.
"He could have killed that poor boy!!!" My step father exclaimed not even caring about his own son. He always had a soft spot for a sports fanatic people sense non of his sons were any of that. That's how I ended up with this uncomfortable bracelet around my ankle for 2 months. Great now I have to do online courses cause by then school will be over....just fucking great!

I'm now stuck in my room for two weeks and then I'm aloud to be out my room but I can't leave the house our I'll be charged. Luckily both my parents work so I can go visit my little brother while their away.

Avery ended up with his right arm and leg both shattered so he has to be in bed for the same duration of me. Which is great for me cause then no one will interrupt us and our"alone time".
I laugh at the thought. This is going to be fun....just fun hehehehe.

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