some stuff

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Zachery s POV:
I woke up with exhaustion. Yawning as I stretched and stared blankly at the alarm clock that was still going off. I hit the button to dismiss the alarm and slowly sat up with another big stretch as my 'Tokyo Ghoul' shirt rode up in my slender figure.

I'm very skinny, like a toothpick as my best friend Sammy tells me all the time. I'm tall and I'v got black hair that covers my ice blue eyes. My mother absolutely hates my eyes covered and always suggest I get a haircut but I always tell her I'll get a haircut that is stylized and not freaking short like half the guys in my school.

Anyways I'm pretty dark. Got a dark sense of humor with a bubbly personality as my friends tell me. I'm really tall and I'm emo. Yeah I've cut in the past but I've stopped sense I have friends and family that support who i am and what I am. They all love me no matter what. Oh yeah I should tell you that I'm bisexual. Yep love me some titties and I love me some D.

So I woke up tiredly and threw on skinny jeans with a pair of my favorite converse that are bright red. I take my 'Tokyo Ghoul' shirt off and I put on a button up flannel shirt that is my favorite. All the girls say if I did my hair right and took out my piercings I'd look like Marshal Lee from adventure time. Which honestly I'm flattered I absolutely love adventure time cause it rocks. And yes I watch little kids shows even though I'm 17 and if you don't like it then you can go fluck yourself. MEH!!!!

I go to the mirror in my dark room and look at myself fixing my guy liner because I didn't bother to take it off last night. Then I move onto my pierced lips and eyebrow piercing making sure I clean them and switch them out to match my outfit. I then get my headphones and plug them into my ears to listen to the sweet magic of Insane Clown Posse and Black veil Brides. Yes I listen to both of them and I do listen to other bands and music too, but those two are my favorite bands ever. I use them to ignore people like my mom and step dad.

I run down the stair because I can smell delicious breakfast that I'll pass up for a bagel. I step into my kitchen and was greeted by my loving mother.

"Good morning sweetheart!!" She says in a sing song voice.
"Morning Mom, I don't understand why you make me breakfast even though I don't eat it." I grumble as I sit down and start eating my bagel with creamy creamy cream cheese. Mmmm so freak fracking goo-
"Hey...." my little step brother Avery mumbles in the doorway. He's 15, two years younger then me and he's absolutely the most adorable thing on the planet. He took after me as soon as my mom got with his dad. And let me tell you this the transformation was amazing to watch. He's so cute with he has his dyed black with red tips hair covering his beautiful green with blue flecks eyes. His very pale skin flushed a little bit and his almost kissable lips. Whoa whoa whoa....hold the freak fracking phone...did I just say kissable lips. What type of story are making author?
(A very complicated one so shut up Zach....I want girls to nose bleed over this)
Fine whatever....just make it good.
So yeah my brother's kissable lips.
"Hey little bro!!" I say excitedly as I hop out of my seat and give him a big hug. He squeaks out.
"You're crushing me....." I let go and mess up his hair and he glares at me cause I know it took him an hour to do his hair. I shrug and grin, winking as he blushes slightly and I laugh.

I wait for Avery to wolf down his food as I nibble on my bagel and twirl my keys around my finger. He washes his plate and grins with his belly full and I roll my eyes. Where the hell does he put it all. He can eat anything and he doesn't gain a pound. I frown at the thought but smirk. At least he's good looking so the girls will be all over him....or me hehehe- wait shut up Zachery stop thinking like that. I shun myself as I frown.
"Come on Avery we gotta go to prison." I say with a smirk as he giggles knowing that I was joking about prison meaning school. Avery hopped into the passenger seat while I got into the drivers side and started the car. Mmmm gotta love my car; otherwise we'd have to take the bus with the smelly jocks.
Yeah when I was little I used be bullied by the jocks, but with me getting out of my depression and me becoming less antisocial I actually became like the most popular kid in the school which is surprising. The jocks still mess with my little brother though, but I'd kill them if they ever touch him.

We get to the school in a comfortable silence. My little brother isn't much of a talker. It takes me everything not to look over at him while I'm driving. He's just soooooooo damn cute, but I can't do anything with my little step brother that's just immoral....or is it. I mean he isn't my actual brother.

A knock at my driver door disturbed my thoughts and looked at my window seeing my cute Avery standing there. I get out of my car and lock it.
"...I was wondering why you were still in your car. Do you have a lot on your mind big bro?" He says shyly looking down. Oh I have a lot on my mind and it's you Avery. I thought to myself. I lift his chin so he can look me in the eyes. His hair parting so I can see his beautiful eyes and it takes me everything not to kiss him. I'm bending closer to him. What am I doing!? Stop it Zach!!!
"HEY BITCH!!!" suddenly I get tackled to the ground by my best friend Sammy. He's a transgender and he was a she but...yeah you get the point.

"What the fuck Sam!" I yell out as I push him off and look around to see my brother already walking away with his headphones on and his head hung low normally.
"Just wanted a little kiss from my best friend or were you gonna smooch your brother." He laughs when I blush. Yeah he knows my secret crush on my little brother. Sam knew the moment he saw Avery and I interact with each other. He's been a cock blocker ever since then. Yep he's so annoying but he was my very first best friend I ever had.

Sam made a smoochy face so I punched him in the face angrily with a growl. He just held his cheek in a sarcastic girly way.
"Ow that hit a girl." He pouts jokingly. I roll my eyes as I get up off my ass and wipe my jeans off then holding out a hand for Sammy.
"As if... you're more manlier then then me." He grabs my hand hops up. Then punching me in my arm so hard that my eyes water.
"That's right you pussy!!" He laughs and apologizes for punching to hard and we start walking to class.

Avery was no where in sight. I looked around everywhere as I walked down the halls to my ap mathematics. Stop worrying about that boy. He'll be the death of you. I shake it off and sit down at my seat in the back of the class, taking out my sketch book and pencils and going through my mind for inspiration. I get an idea and start drawing. Sighing in frustration as the bell rings and class starts. I put down my pencil and put away my sketch book. Guess I'll finish it later....grrr....oh well time for school.

(Should I do more of this? Idk if j should)

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