"Us? Look at you dad. You are looking very handsome yourself," I complimented him.

He was dressed in a fitted and tailored navy Armani suit paired with black Italian shoes, a skinny tie, Rolex watch with a medium sized square box in his hands.

"Well I try," he smirked puffing his chest out a bit making me laugh.

"What's that?" Jasmine asked pointing to the box in our father's hands.

"Dad I told you not to spend anymore money. You've spent enough as is," I said meeting his forest green eyes.

"What's the point of having money if I can't spend it on my girls? And this, is a family heirloom it's been in our family for generations. And now it's yours. And when you have children of your own, you can pass it down to them and then they will give it to their children and so on," he explained, opening the box revealing a diamond and pearl encrested comb.

"I thought as the oldest daughter that I would get it?" My sister said raising her voice a little making Nathan stop and look at her.

"But she's the first one getting married. I'm sure she could lend it to you when your time comes," our father said softly.

"Forget it. I didn't want it anyways," she spat, her voice dripping with venom and her eyes full of hate, before storming out making a hurt expression grace dad's face.

"It's beautiful dad. Thank you," I squeezed his hand before handing the comb over to the stylist.

"It is. Your step mother would be the one to give this to you but she has last minute errands to do," he rolled his eyes playfully but I could see that he was still worried about Jasmine.

"Don't worry about her, she will come around."

"I hope so," he sighed shaking his head. "You know, you look a lot like your mother," he said a wistful smile on his face as he thought about my mother.

"Yeah...she's a little fuzzy but I can remember a few things. Like her eyes. They held so much warmth or how she'd laugh. She would tilt her head back and laugh like she didn't have a care in the world," I smiled. "It's been fourteen years now. Do you think she's still looking down on us now?" I asked looking at the ceiling.

"Always." He smiled fondly as he gave my hand another squeeze.

"Now that you're getting married. Does this mean that you'll never be around after you get married?" Nevaeh asked, finally speaking up.

"What? No I'll always be around just like I've always been," I smiled giving her a big side hug as Nathan was still in my arms.

The wedding coordinator burst into the room just as I finished my hair and make up and ordered us to all to get ready and into place as the ceremony is supposed to start at 3.

"It's time to put on the dress," she said before clearing out the room leaving the photographers and my bridesmaids with the exception of my sister and my maid of honour.

Where is she?

I dropped my gown to the floor revealing my Boux strapless bra and my Boux lace seam-free thong and my white Christian Louboutin heels.

The girls helped me into my dress and made sure that we had gotten everything on from our list.

"Something borrowed?" Christina asked.

"Check," I said pointing to my earrings.

"Something new?" Jordan asked.


"Something old?" Imani asked.


"Something blue?" Aaliyah asked.

Fifty Shades Of Something DifferentWhere stories live. Discover now