Walls and Memories

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Hi! There's some not-so-subtle symbolism here because we're writing someones mind as if though it where a psychical place. So this technically qualifies as angst, but hey look on the bright side, Trubel back story and badassery. I promise the next chapter won't be so depressing, I just had to break the memory sequence into two parts because it was so long.


Nick shifted on his feet, as he peered down the hospital hall, making sure that no one was coming.

"Are you almost done?" Nick asked Rosalee.

Rosalee stood inside the room, putting the finishing touches on the tincture that was made with the root that Eve had given them.

"Done." Rosalee announced, pouring the liquid into a glass.

"Are you sure, I mean neither of us have ever heard of this root before. It's not gonna like kill him or anything?" Monroe inquired, as he stood across the room holding Kelly.

"Yes. I followed the instructions Eve gave me exactly." Rosalee assured.

"Ok, let's do this." Nick prompted.

He knew he shouldn't be in a hurry, but Nick wanted to get Trubel out of there as fast as possible. Not only did he miss her, but she was trapped in her head, and Nick knew for a fact that in many way she was scared of her own mind. Spending years thinking you're crazy tends to do that to a person.

Nick took a seat in the chair next to Trubel's bed.

"I know this is probably a stupid question but, do you have any idea what it's gonna be like in there. Where would she even be?" Nick inquired.

"Psychology was never by strong suit, but I'd guess somewhere in the subconscious." Monroe answered.

Rosalee nodded in agreement.

"It all probably be dark and...full of her worst fears." Rosalee added.

"Nice." Nick sighed, shuttering at the thought of what she might have already endured.

"But on the bright side at least you don't have to worry about dying or getting hurt." Rosalee chime in.

"Assuming it doesn't kill him." Monroe commented.

"Not helping." Nick shot Monroe and glance.

"Sorry, sorry." Monroe muttered.

Rosalee handed Nick the glass of dark brownish liquid. Nick steeled himself and drank it down, he shivered from the bitter taste.

"Now what?" Nick asked.

"We wait, just try to relax." Rosalee informed.

Nick nodded and drew a deep breath. He looked over at Trubel, he was finally going to get her back. Nick reached out for her hand and once again intertwined his fingers with hers. He let himself relax in his chair and briefly closed his eyes. But to his surprise when he opened them, he suddenly found himself somewhere else. He was no longer in the hospital, he was standing outside of a large, white wall.

Nick looked around, the area was well lit but there was nothing but darkness behind him. The only option seemed it be getting past the wall. Nick spent the next several minutes trying to find a way in. He walked the entire perimeter of the wall several times, there were no openings of any kind and the wall was too smooth to climb. After several more minutes, he leaned against the wall and breathed a heavy, tired, sigh.

"Trubel, you gotta let me in." He whispered, his voice barely audible.

Nick jumped when he heard a slight cracking noise. He looked up at the wall, there was now a large crack running through it. Slowly he stepped closer to it and touched the wall. More cracks appeared underneath his hand, Nick pulled away in shock but quickly put his hand back. Finally when the section was through ally cracked all it took was for Nick to tap his finger against it, then it came tumbling down.

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