Flashback, Flashforward

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Holy shit.... I had this on my flash drive for a hella long time and I forgot all about it. This is actually what inspired me to write my main Fanfiction: 'The Calm Before The Storm'. Sorry if the writing is super shitty, this is before I had the confidence to started posting my work online. *Note: this has nothing to do with the actual fanfic, it's just a cute scenario I came up with. I hope you enjoy it :)

As Max hides behind the stalls in the girls bathroom, She watches as Nathan Prescott forces his gun on to Chloe. A gunshot rings out as Chloe drops to the floor, "No!" Max yells as she holds up her hand..........But nothing happened. Chloe is still laying on the floor. "No, No No No!" Max screams as she ran toward Chloe begging her to be ok, even though she knew it was useless. "Max. Max? Max!" called a familiar voice. Max turns around and sees Nathan pointing his gun at her. He pulls the trigger.

Max is instantly awake. She wasn't in the Bathroom, but sitting on the couch in the living room of her small apartment. Allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room, she sees the TV and all her things . She can still hear the voice from her dream, and as Max looks around the room she realizes that the voice is coming from beside her. "Max, are you ok? You started screaming". Looking to her left, Max sees Chloe sitting next to her. "Chloe," she said as she threw herself into Chloe's arms holding her in a tight embrace, tears streaming from her eyes. "Whoa, it's ok, it's ok. It was just a dream, Max. I'm fine, see", Chloe said as she gently wiped away Max's tears and lifting her chin to her face. "I --I---Love you, Chloe," Max said. "I know" Chloe replied as she kisses Max on the forehead. "Now it's my turn to protect you".

Morning light flooded the room, painting it golden rays. Max awakens to find herself still in Chloe's arms. We must have fallen asleep like this........in each other's arms, Max thinks. Gently Max eases herself out of Chloe's arms, as not to wake her. Chloe is fine Max, Now get your ass to work she tells herself as she dresses. You cant spend your life always worried. As Max grabs her keys and heads towards the door, Chloe wakes up and calls out to her, "How you doin' Max ?" she asks. "Ok I guess," Max sighs. "I have to get to work.". "Wait! Do....do you mind if I ask what your dream was about?" Chloe asks. "Now who's the nosey one" Max chuckles as she heads back and sits next to Chloe on the couch. "Well....it's the same as last time you asked. We're in the bathroom, Nathan shoots you and....and...I can't save you" Max recalls, holding back tears. "Shit Max....I'm sorry you had to dream about that let alone live it. Is that all" Chloe asks as she puts her arm around Max. "No actually. I....I think I heard you trying to wake me up, and when I turned around after running to you, Nathan had his gun pointed at me then he pulled the trigger......That's when I woke up". Chloe just sat there, staring at her with a concerned look on her face. Max smiled, "I'm ok Chloe, I promise. I seriously have to get to work now, I'll see you at 3".

Max's dreams became worse , leaving her always worried about Chloe, especially since she has been coming home late amost every night. "Chloe? Do you love me?", she asked one night. "What? What are you talking about, Of course I love You.". "It's just.....I..I..never see you anymore You're always busy". "Max..I'll always love you....I'm sorry, and I promise I will try and get time off" Chloe replied as she kissed her. Max laughed, "What?" Chloe said. "Remember when you dared me to kiss you?", asked Max. "Yeah, I remember". "Well...That was my first kiss". "Are you serious?" Chloe asked. "Yeah." Max replied. " I hope it was worth it" Chloe said. "It was" Max said as she hugged Chloe tighter. After that things got better, Chloe was home alot more but always seemed destracted by work. One day Max came home and found that Chloe was nowhere in the house. Max finds a note on the table that read: Max. I Will Be Late. Pls. Don't Worry ~ Chloe. Max desided to wait until she got home, but Chloe didn't come. Max waited longer, And still Chloe didn't come home. Max tried calling Chloe but with no luck, which was wierd because she always answered her phone "Chloe where are you?". When morning came and Chloe still wasn't home Max began trembling, fearing the worst. "Chloe, please be ok...Please be ok. I cant loose you" Finally, the next morning Max heard the janggle of keys and the door opening . Chloe. Running to the door, Max grabs Chloe and begins to cry as she hugged her tightly . " Max! Oh, shit are you ok? Max, talk to me. Max please!" Chloe said as they hugged. "Chloe.... where....where the fuck where you? I thought I'd lost you. Do you know how scared I was....I.....I...?" She tells her. "Max...I'm.....I'm sorry..I..I thought you'd ok....". said Chloe, holding back tears of her own. "I don't care. I'm just glad your safe". " Max I'm sorry...I'm so, so sorry. I should've told you.....I should....have told you " Chloe replied. "Told me what Chloe? What is it?" Max asks, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I.....I've gone back to school", Chloe answers. "What?". "I've gone back to school. I'm taking classes in Psychology, to see if I could help you with your panic attacks". "Chloe..". "I graduated yesterday....that's why I was gone....I should have told you." Chloe said as she gave Max her deploma. "Is that why you kept asking about my dreams?" she asks. "Yeah. I couldn't stand seeing you like that. I was worried about you". "You did all that for me?" Max said. Chloe grabs Max's hands and said "Max... I'd do anything for you. 'I'll always have your back, always' ". Max froze "Chloe...I...I..uh..". "Stop it,". Max looked up at Chloe, "You told me that you went back to the day William died, remember?," Max nodded. "Well, I figured you would try and fix things between us after we fought. But I'm not upset at you Max , I want to thank you. After William died and you left, I never forgot what you said. I knew that you wouldn't let me down because...I.....I love you Max, and I always have" Chloe said. " Chloe... What are you...". Max watched as Chloe took a step back and dug something out of her pocket."Max. Listen, I want you to know that I accept the choice you made on that cliff, I wouldn't wan't to live without you either. I'm proud of you for making such hard choice, just know that I will NEVER I hate you for that choice. Ok?". Chloe knelt down on one knee. " Oh my god.....Chloe?" she began crying again."I may not be rich, I may not be smart, But I will always ALWAYS love you, no matter what. Max, I can't live without you......will you...." Chloe never finished her words, Max and her were already sharing a kiss that answered it all. 

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