And So It Begins...

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Today was the day. The day before I am going to Pax East. I'm so excited, dancing around my hotel room like a child. Suddenly, in the midst of dancing I get a call.

Me: Hello? This is (Y/N).
Mom: Hey honey! How are you?
Me: Fine, now what did you want?
Mom: That was a little harsh, but I called to remind you.
Me: What?
Mom: Your operation is today.
Mom: What?
Me: Nothing. Thanks for reminding me. Got to go. Bye.
I hang up.

How could this happen. I am so angry, but there's no point in postponing. I lock the door and go to my car. I made the appointment at a hospital close to the convention, and I'm only a few blocks away.

This is where the nightmare begins.

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