The Reichenbach Fall - PART 3

Start from the beginning

(He frowns, raising a finger to his mouth and gazing off to the side with a wondering look on his face. At Scotland Yard, Greg sinks his face into his hand as he is forced to consider what his officers are telling him. On the taxi TV screen, Jim frowns thoughtfully as cartoon lightning bolts shoot out of the clouds behind him.)

JIM (shaking his head repeatedly): But that wasn’t the end of Sir Boast-a-lot’s problem. No.

(He looks down for a moment, then raises his eyes to the camera again.)

JIM: That wasn’t the final problem.

(Sherlock bares his teeth at the screen as the camera pulls back to show Jim sitting with a storybook held in his hands. He looks up at the camera and finishes in an even more sing-song voice.)

JIM: The End.

(Behind him, a red velvet curtain drops down as if covering a theatre stage. The shot changes to an extreme close-up of Jim grinning hugely and showing his teeth, then the screen fritzes a few times and eventually returns to the jewellery advert.)

SHERLOCK: Stop the cab! Stop the cab!

(The taxi begins to pull up near the kerb.)

SHERLOCK: What was that?

(He jumps out of the right-hand door and runs forward to the driver’s door.)

SHERLOCK: What was that?

(The cabbie, wearing a cloth cap very reminiscent of the one worn by the cabbie in “A Study in Pink”, turns his head towards Sherlock and reveals that he is Jim Moriarty, who adopts a London accent as he speaks.)

JIM: No charge.

(He immediately accelerates away as Sherlock tries to grab hold of the door and pull the cab back. Forced to let go, he chases after the taxi but it soon speeds away. He stops in the middle of the road, glaring after it and unaware that another car is speeding along behind him. As it sounds its horn in warning, a man hurries off the pavement, grabs him and pulls him out of danger.)

MAN: Look out!

(Not yet fully realising what the man is doing, Sherlock strikes out at him but then stops as the car roars past and he realises what has happened. He stands with the man at arm’s length, breathing heavily as the man looks warily at him. Those of us who have been paying attention – or who just rewound the recording to check – realise that this is Sulejmani, the Albanian assassin who lives on Baker Street.)

SHERLOCK (catching his breath): Thank you.

(He holds out his hand for the man to shake. Sulejmani somewhat reluctantly takes it and we soon realise why he wasn’t keen as three bullets are fired into him in quick succession from somewhere behind Sherlock. Sulejmani slumps to the ground and Sherlock spins around, trying to find the source of the gunfire. Just then another black cab comes around the corner and pulls up a short distance away. John jumps out and hurries towards him.)

JOHN: Sherlock!

Some time later Sherlock stands twitching his fingers fretfully as an ambulance crew wheels Sulejmani’s body away. 

JOHN: That ... it’s him. It’s him. Sulejmani or something. Mycroft showed me his file. He’s a big Albanian gangster lives two doors down from us.

SHERLOCK: He died because I shook his hand.

JOHN: What d’you mean?

SHERLOCK: He saved my life but he couldn’t touch me. Why?

(He storms off. John follows.)

221B. Sherlock walks rapidly into the living room, pulling his scarf and then his coat off as he goes across to the laptop on the table. Sadly, at this point he stops removing clothing.

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