A Scandal in Belgravia - PART 3

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MORNING. 221B. Sherlock is standing at the window in the living room and playing a sad lament on his violin. John walks into the room and sighs as he sees him. Mrs Hudson walks across to the table and picks up the plates, looking at John pointedly as they both realise that Sherlock hasn’t touched his breakfast. John hums resignedly as he takes his jacket from the back of the chair and puts it on. Sherlock stops playing and picks up a pencil to make a notation on his music. 

MRS HUDSON: Lovely tune, Sherlock. Haven’t heard that one before.

JOHN: You composing?

SHERLOCK: Helps me to think.

(He turns back to the window, lifts the violin and begins to play the same tune again.)

JOHN: What are you thinking about?

(Sherlock suddenly spins around and puts the violin down. He points at John’s laptop.)

SHERLOCK (rapidly): The counter on your blog is still stuck at one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five.

JOHN: Yeah, it’s faulty. Can’t seem to fix it.

SHERLOCK (taking out Irene’s camera phone): Faulty – or you’ve been hacked and it’s a message.

(He pulls up the security lock with its “I AM ---- LOCKED” screen.)

JOHN: Hmm?

(Sherlock types “1895” into the phone. The phone beeps warningly and a message comes up reading: “WRONG PASSCODE. 3 ATTEMPTS REMAINING”. The enthusiasm in Sherlock’s eyes dies again.)

SHERLOCK: Just faulty.

(He turns away and picks up his violin again.)

JOHN: Right.

(Sherlock begins to play the sad tune once more.)

JOHN: Right. Well, I’m going out for a bit.

(Sherlock doesn’t respond. John turns and walks to the kitchen where Mrs Hudson is tidying up.)

JOHN (quietly): Listen: has he ever had any kind of ... (he sighs) ... girlfriend, boyfriend, a relationship, ever?

MRS HUDSON: I don’t know.

JOHN (sighing in frustration): How can we not know?

MRS HUDSON: He’s Sherlock. How will we ever know what goes on in that funny old head?

(John smiles sadly.)

JOHN: Right. See ya.

(He trots off down the stairs. Mrs Hudson looks at Sherlock playing his violin at the window, and then leaves the room.)

(Downstairs, John goes out of the front door and pulls it closed. As he turns to go to the left, a woman is standing just to the right of the flat. She calls out to him.)

WOMAN: John?

JOHN: Yeah.

(He stops and turns around to her as she looks at him flirtatiously.)

JOHN: Hello.

(It takes him a moment but then he realises that she’s very pretty and her body language appears to be saying, “Take me big boy I’m all yours.”)

JOHN: Hello!

WOMAN (walking closer): So, any plans for New Year tonight?

(John laughs as his eyes continually roam over her body.)

JOHN: Er, nothing fixed. Nothing I couldn’t heartlessly abandon. You have any ideas?

(The woman looks over her shoulder towards the road.)

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