A Scandal in Belgravia - PART 3

Start from the beginning


(John follows her gaze and sighs in exasperation as a black car pulls up and stops beside them.)

JOHN: You know, Mycroft could just phone me, if he didn’t have this bloody stupid power complex.

(They get into the car and it pulls away ... and takes them to the biggest power complex in the neighbourhood – the empty shell of Battersea Power Station. Pulling up inside the building, John and the woman get out and she leads him through the abandoned structure.)

JOHN: Couldn’t we just go to a café? Sherlock doesn’t follow me everywhere.

(Still walking, the woman types onto her phone, then stops and gestures ahead of herself.)

WOMAN: Through there.

(John gives her a dirty look, then walks on. The woman turns and heads back the way she came, lifting her phone to her ear.)

WOMAN: He’s on his way. You were right – he thinks it’s Mycroft.

(John reaches a large room and starts talking straightaway even though he can’t yet see anybody.)

JOHN: He’s writing sad music; doesn’t eat; barely talks – only to correct the television.

(He walks further into the room and finally a figure begins to step out of the shadows at the other end.)

JOHN: I’d say he was heartbroken but, er, well, he’s Sherlock. He does all that anyw...

(He trails off as Irene Adler walks into view.)

IRENE: Hello, Doctor Watson.

(She stops some distance away from him and he simply stares at her for several seconds before he finally finds some words.)

JOHN (quietly, but with a note of pleading in his voice): Tell him you’re alive.

IRENE (shaking her head): He’d come after me.

JOHN: I’ll come after you if you don’t.

IRENE: Mmm, I believe you.

JOHN (louder): You were dead on a slab. It was definitely you.

IRENE: DNA tests are only as good as the records you keep.

JOHN: And I bet you know the record-keeper.

IRENE: I know what he likes, and I needed to disappear.

JOHN: Then how come I can see you, and I don’t even want to?

IRENE: Look, I made a mistake. I sent something to Sherlock for safe-keeping and now I need it back, so I need your help.


IRENE: It’s for his own safety.

JOHN: So’s this: tell him you’re alive.

IRENE: I can’t.

JOHN (fighting back his anger): Fine. I’ll tell him, and I still won’t help you.

(He turns and starts to walk away.)

IRENE: What do I say?

JOHN (furiously as he turns back to her): What do you normally say? You’ve texted him a lot.

(Irene has taken her phone out and holds it up as John stops and glares at her.)

IRENE: Just the usual stuff.

JOHN: There is no ‘usual’ in this case.

(Irene looks down at her phone and starts to read back messages she has sent to Sherlock.)

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