The Blind Banker - PART 4

Start from the beginning

MRS HUDSON (whispering): I’ve done punch, and a bowl of nibbles.

(She puts the tray on the table and takes off the tea towel to reveal a jug of punch with slices of fruit floating on top, two glasses, a bowl of crisps and another bowl presumably containing some dip.)

JOHN (softly): Mrs Hudson, you’re a saint!

MRS HUDSON (whispering): If it was Monday, I’d have been to the supermarket!

JOHN (whispering): No; thank you! Thank you!

(Back in the living room, Sherlock is just about to commit murder as Sarah picks up the photograph of the brick wall which Dimmock had brought back sealed in an evidence bag. He glares at her in utter fury and turns his head away, his teeth bared.)

SARAH (oblivious to his rage): So these numbers – it’s a cipher.

SHERLOCK (tightly): Exactly.

SARAH: And each pair of numbers is a word.

(Sherlock’s head lifts up slowly.)

SHERLOCK: How did you know that?

(For the first time he turns and meets her eyes.)

SARAH: Well, two words have already been translated, here.

(She puts the picture down on the desk and points. Sherlock takes the photo from her and stares at it.)


JOHN: Mmm?

(He looks round from the kitchen table.)

SHERLOCK (standing up): John, look at this.

(He takes the photo out of the evidence bag as John comes out of the kitchen.)

SHERLOCK: Soo Lin at the museum – she started to translate the code for us. We didn’t see it!

(Written in fine pen, a word has been written across each of the first two sets of symbols on the photograph. Sherlock reads them out.)


JOHN (squinting at the photo): Does that mean ‘millions’?

SHERLOCK (thoughtfully): Nine million quid. For what?

(He turns and goes over to where he dumped his coat and scarf.)

SHERLOCK: We need to know the end of this sentence.

JOHN: Where are you going?

SHERLOCK (putting his coat on): To the museum; to the restoration room.

(He grimaces in exasperation at himself.)

SHERLOCK: Oh, we must have been staring right at it!

JOHN: At-at what?

SHERLOCK: The book, John. The book – the key to cracking the cipher!

(He brandishes the photo at John.)

SHERLOCK: Soo Lin used it to do this! Whilst we were running around the gallery, she started to translate the code. It must be on her desk.

(And he’s gone, hurrying out the door.)

Out on Baker Street, a man and woman are walking along the road. Obviously tourists, they are consulting the London A-Z and looking around. Sherlock bursts out of the door of 221B, running towards the kerb to hail a passing black cab.

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