We all knew it was coming.

Start from the beginning

They spend a full ten seconds gazing into each other's eyes, where you can now see the thumbnail is from. Those dorks. "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" plays in the background, as they know fully well they are playing up this moment. You are taking screenshots left and right, every moment captured.

Just as you are about to explode from maximum cuteness, Dan breaks the silence. "Okay, okay, so, let's explain some things. Stuff isn't gonna change, like Phil and I arent gonna make out onstage or anything."

Phil nods. "We're still us! Plus, that would kind of freak the audiences out." In comic sans above his head, text read "freaking out how, phil? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" You know Dan wrote this. He's such a meme.

"Our audience would probably love it TBH." Dan comments, and he's right. The Phandom would sell their soul for a Phan makeout session.

You wonder how many people are doing the same thing as you at the moment, huddled under their blankets and silently freaking out. You hush your whirling thoughts and keep watching.

Phil continues. "Most of you know about the Valentine's Day video, or the V-day vid." Your eyes widen. "Well... It wasn't a prank."

wHATTHEHELL???? Your mind spirals as you think to the video where Phil shared all his moments with Dan. You had felt guilty afterwards after seeing it, but now you are glad you saw it.

"So yeah. Our first kiss was on the Manchester Eye," Phil starts.

Dan quietly sings a line that you immediatly recognize from the 2009 Phan Song. "Do you remember the time when I kissed you on the Manchester Eye? Okay I should stop. I don't want to make the fangirls cry even more. "

"But Dan..." A huge smile spreads across Phil's face. "Don't cry..."

"Don't say it!"

"CRAFT!" You giggle deliriously, remembering the joke from their first DanAndPhilCRAFTS video.

"Oh, God, Phil. All we need to do is add "PROTIP" and my square hair and this will be a cringefest. Why did we do this?" Dan facepalms,laughing nonetheless. He and Phil have grins on their faces, matching yours. Tears begin to stream down your face. Is this really happening? Wow.

"Anyway, Dan," Phil starts. "Since we are doing this on our gaming channel, I thought we could play a game." He disappears under the table. Dan looks at the camera as if to say where is he going with this? Phil pops back up with a near-full waterbottle in his hand."Oh wait, this should be empty. Hold on."

He starts to drink. Dan says, "Are you gonna drink it all?", prompting a slight nod from Phil. The words chug chug chug chug scroll across the screen until finally, the waterbottle is empty.

"I did it!" Phil exclaims, slightly out of breath. "I chugged the whole thing!!" A victory sound effect plays.

Dan sighs. "Don't blame me if you have to pee before we're even done filming. "

Phil giggles. "I won't, I won't. So, today instead of playing a game on the computer, I thought we could play Spin the Bottle! It's pretty fitting to what this video is about."

"Spin the Bottle? Oh my God, Phil! That's so horribly cheesy! Well, this is probably the cheesiest video on YouTube, now that I think of it." Dan observes.

Phil chuckles again. "No, there's some pretty cheesy ones out there. Besides, it's supposed to be cheesy." The camera zooms in on his face really fast.

Your mind flashes back to the first Phil is not on fire, when almost the exact sentence was said by Dan.

"It's supposed to be cheesy." A sob escapes from your mouth.

"Let's start!!" Before Dan can say anything else, Phil spins the waterbottle with his hands. It turns, as you hear "You spin me right roun baby right round."

DAN. You are laughing again. This is more like a crack video than a coming out video. Just like them to fill their big announcement vid with as much memes as possible. The bottle slowly spins to a stop. It lands in between the boys, so Phil slowly gives it a nudge until it faces Dan.

"Oh, yay! It landed on you! Let's do this!" Phil rubbed his hands together.

"Do what? It's just a kiss. Take a chill pill." Dan put his hands out to make his point.

"Don't you mean take a chill... Phil?" Phil made finger guns at the audience as a rimshot was heard, prompting another facepalm from Dan.

"You know, I didn't think your puns could get any worse, and yet here we are."

"Well, get ready. You're gonna have to deal with it for a while." The boys began to lean in , as your fingers press the home and power buttons every second. You are really crying now, loud and deliriously happy.

Finally, finally their lips meet. You are practically screaming. Oh my god!! You have probably taken 15 screenshots of this one moment of bliss, now 20, now 25... You are crying with joy, to know that the phandom's questioning is over, that No Homo Howell is no more, hat the V-day vid is cleared up. This is the best day of your life.

The boys onscreen are still kissing, and ahhhhhhhh. You are elated.

They break apart. "Wow, that was probably the most screenshotted moment of the year. " remarks Dan a bit giddily.

"Everyone watching is probably simultaneously screaming." says Phil.

"Well, I'm screaming on the inside." Dan says, than makes his famous "whatdidijustsay" face, formerly known as the "crapthatwasgay" face.

"We should probably end this video here before we give all the fangirls heart attacks." Phil puts his arms on the desk.

"That's probably a good idea. Sorry if we gave you a heart attack!" giggles Dan.

They wave"bye" at the camera. You keep watching as you hear a song playing in the background. Instantly, you identify it as "Toxic" by Britney Spears, the Phanthem. Those little shits. Pictures begin to appear on screen, and you see that they are pictures and videos that feature the couple holding hands, kissing, and generally doing couple things. You screenshot every one. There's a couple on the streets of Japan, most in London, and in their flat, and some with their friends. You KNEW Tyler Oakley had a reason for shipping it! The song turns to Interrupted by Fireworks, and your heart flips. More touching photos of past and present them fill the screen, blurred by your tears. You see a picture of them sitting on a fountain at night, and you know it was 2009's Halloween gathering. The video ends with a shot of them on the Manchester Eye, lips locked.

You can't think straight. You go onto Twitter and see that the top hashtags are #phanisreal, #phanconfirmed, and #phankiss among other related things. Twitter is freaking out. Tyler Oakley tweets,

@tyleroakley: WHOEOVIBDSNSDMD GUYS OMG YOU TOLD EVERYONE YASS @danisnotonfire @amazingphil

Louise, in a more classy way, tweeted:


@danisnotonfire @amazingphil Congratulations, boys! I'm very proud to know you told the Internet, and your relationship is always worth it.

Pewdiepie simply tweeted,


@danisnotonfire @amazingphil yeah we all knew it gr8 job hiding

You scroll through the phandom's responses, most of which are keyboard smashes and generally excited screaming. There are a few negative comments, but they are greatly outnumbered by the phangirls. You see that Dan and Phil had tweeted links to the video.

@danisnotonfire: so this happened, i was really nervous to film this tbh check it out!!!

@amazingphil: We play Spin the Bottle!!! CHECK IT OUT

You go onto Instagram and see that they have both posted the kissing shot. The Internet is crazy here too.

People have already drawn the moment so many times, and the other pictures as well.

Only these boys could break the internet like this. You are so proud of them, so proud they can finally be who they are without worrying about hiding their relationship. You are so glad they can now be honest with the Internet, and excited for future Phan. You can't wait. 

We all knew it was coming- Phan Where stories live. Discover now