30 minutes passed. Half way there. 'Come on! You can do this, [Name]!' I mentally cheered myself on but my heart was pounding with fear. I heard footsteps behind me and I spun around, wide-eyed. Nothing. I breathed in and out deeply as I picked up the pace. I turned down another street and stared in horror. There, in the middle of the long, dark street, was a single streetlight. And the bulb just went. I tried to calm myself down as darkness enveloped me. I heard more footsteps, closer this time. I speed-walked down the road humming lightly to myself to express that I was not afraid. Bullsh*t. I'm frikin terrified. The footsteps got louder and closer. Panicking, I broke into a run, sprinting down the road and swiftly turning the corner. I was relieved to see more street-lamps and as I ran, I ventured a glance behind me. No one. I slowed down and stopped to catch my breath. I turned and continued walking, sorely tempted to run again. A hand suddenly covered my mouth and I let out a muffled scream. As I struggled, my captor dragged me into a dark alley.

Just kidding, I'm not gonna be that mean :P – A/N


Everything span and I barely had time to react. My back was immediately pressed against a warm chest and my arms were pinned behind me. Judging by the person's size, I guessed it was a man. As my captor tried to hold me down, I took the opportunity to stamp on their foot. Hard. I heard a grunt of pain and his grip loosened slightly. I struggled furiously, kicking and waving my arms about in a desperate attempt to flee. "[Name]! Wait!" The man hissed. I immediately recognised the voice. Arthur? "Not a sound," He whispered urgently and let me go. It took me a few seconds to gather my thoughts before I whirled round, glaring at Arthur. "You scared the sh*t out of me!" He winced at my anger but suddenly turned to look at the road with fear. Before I could say anything, he quickly grabbed me, pushing me against the wall and wrapping his arms around me in a protective stance. I blushed at our close proximity and I could hear his heart beat quicken. "Shhh," He hushed fearfully and held me closer against his warm body. I peeked over his arm to see what he was hiding from. My blood ran cold and my hands felt clammy as I stared in horror at who Arthur had been running from. Olivia. Questions clouded my mind. 'Why is she here?' 'What did she do to Arthur?' I huddled closer to him in fear, burying my face into his warm chest. Although I was afraid, I felt safer in his strong arms. "Arthur, dear~" She sang crazily as she walked down the street. Arthur's heart beat increased when she said his name. As I glanced at her face, one word appeared in my mind to define just how horrifyingly psychopathic she looked right now. Yandere. I had seen them in countless animes and heard the odd news story about real-life yanderes...But I had never encountered one myself. I never truly understood why characters in the animes were so scared of the yanderes. But now I finally realised why. The murderous gleam in her eyes, the twisted and perverted smile on her red lips. If looks could kill, the whole street would be filled with cold corpses. Her voice alone was enough to send cold shivers up my spine and goosebumps across my trembling body. How many years did Arthur have to suffer under such obsessive and terrifying company? I heard her footsteps slowly quieten as she walked away and Arthur let out a shaky sigh of relief. He let go of me and, without a word, took my hand and led me to where his car was parked, a few streets away. As soon as we were out of the neighbourhood, Arthur spoke. "Are you alright? You're not hurt?" He asked, his voice low with seriousness.

"No, I'm fine," I said softly. Arthur breathed in and tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

"Then WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU DOING?!" He shouted angrily. I flinched at his bellowing voice. "I told you not to stay out late! I told you to be careful! I trusted you to not be reckless! AND WHAT DO YOU DO?! You walk through a dark and dangerous part of town, ALONE and at this time of night! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" He cried.

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