Chapter Three: Call Of A General

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A few calm days had passed, as their battle with the Sanctum had finished, only to end up having more consequences for the lot of them. Idoru made a large impact to the city's history from that point on, since the Sanctum would probably send in more forces after one of their 'Captains' had fallen. The battered Idoru, shrouded in bandages, sat down calmly at the park together with Kairi and Kazu.

It was peaceful for now, even though a face they weren't expecting to show up walked through the half-destroyed gate. Gray casually walked through and entered the park. Just like Idoru, he was covered up in bandages from their fight a few days ago.

"If you're coming for a rematch, I'm not gonna fight you today. We're even." Idoru said with a slight smirk, as Gray shook his head. He wasn't here to fight today, so it seemed. "I'm not here for that, fool! My superiors sent me here to relay a message that's probably important for the likes of you. Even though it won't make a difference, I was told to pass the message on earlier." Gray explained, as he felt a bit annoyed having to face the man that struck him down only shortly ago. It was difficult, but as Idoru stated, they were 'even'.

"Message? About what? And superiors? Considering you've told us nothing more than you being a 'Captain' from 'The Sanctum' so we've been left in the dark a bit." Idoru pleaded, as Gray shook his head in disappointment.

"What, did you think I was the boss or something? There are far more ranks and more powerful people among us than you could possibly imagine." Gray stated, as Idoru quirked up an eyebrow out of curiosity. Stronger people than Gray? They practically fought a life-to-death battle just the other day and now he gets told there's stronger people around.

"Allow me to enlighten you, kiddo ... A general has been requested to get rid of you. There hasn't been a case like this in a long time, your execution has been set in stone." Gray said with a grin, as Idoru rose from his seat quickly. Kairi and Kazu looked toward him with a worrisome gaze, as Idoru let out a laugh.

"General, huh? That does sound more ambitious than a 'Captain' I guess. If they're coming after me, I'll simply ... Fight." He said, as Gray let out a wild laugh, clearly finding that statement funny. It was because Idoru didn't know about the strength of the Sanctum's combatants. It was true that he was uninformed about the ranks as well, since nobody ever spoke about them except for Gray.

"Hah, fight a general? Your death is inevitable. Trying to resist is futile, you'll be counting your days. But, since you seem foolish enough to think you're able to win, I'll explain the ranks so you know what kind of gap there is between us ... I'll only explain it once." Gray answered, as he crossed his arm and took in a deep breath. He was ready to explain something big, which might be useful for future reference. The thing is: the Sanctum was larger than the group of 3 thought it was.

"At the bottom we have simple Henchman, which are basically the ones that are powerless. Graham is one of them, considering he doesn't really have much magic or any. Above that stand Magicians, which is a notch up. Mages are already a rare find these days, that's why they're ranked separately. They don't have many rights except for being allowed entry to the base and doing missions.

One step up are lieutenants, they're allowed to give missions to the lowest ranks. Then the Captains come into play, quite much my rank. We're allowed to form teams consisting out of people below our rank, up to 5 men per Captain." Gray explained as he used his hands to add more fluency to the explanation and use some signs while he was at it.

Taking in another deep breath, he prepared for the rest. "Beyond me there are plenty more ranks. If you thought defeating a Captain once is an achievement, you're dead-wrong. There's Grand Captains above me that are allowed to get a platoon under their command, they can also nominate Captains to take lead of parts of their platoon. Beyond them, stand the Generals at last.

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