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Dan Manulife Company - New York, June 12, 2000

"Julia, could you make me some coffee?"

"Wait a sec, I'm busy with this week's report. Try to ask someone else."

It's me. Julia Robert. An office-worker who has a routine-cycle like the other office-workers in New York. The scene of busy office is an ordinary thing for me. Mails that come and leave everyday. Bundles of files that must be arranged by their order as soon as possible. And the financial report, which is my job. I'm very busy. Oftenly, I leave my apartment empty in case of my overtime job. My boss never ignore me for my nutrient. What he cares is, that financial report must be on his desk, every week. The problem is, my office is not an ordirnary one. It is an insurance company, where you warranty your health. And you definitely know that hundreds, thousands, millions, even billions of people, have it. Of course it's a complicated counting, But that's my boss. He doesn't want to care. More and more, he is stingy. He minimalized the number of workers in this company. Directly, I have a small chance to have a friend to share my stacking works. Ah, this is life. You must fight to survive.

Unfortunately, even after those financial reports always in its place on time, my friends don't really like me as a financial-report maker. Yeah, I have to collect datas from them, which are oftentimes late to be made, while they have thousands of excuses. I have to be a little bit grumpy. If I don't, I'll be fired for in case of not delivering those tables and charts to the meeting room. They oftenly ask me to make some morning coffee, every morning. Maybe it's because of my fond of coffee. Or they want to take revenge to me? Haha.. Very funny!!

"Julie, what's wrong? Do you have some problem with the reportation, again?"

"Oh, Dave. You know? The outlay division can't give their data recap. I've warn them for about a week ago. But now what? Those monkeys are going to party right now. They thought I don't even know about it, huh?!"

"Okay. Here. Let me help you."

He is David William. The only people who understands my duty in this office. From his name, yeah, he is handsome and cool. Not only handsome, but he is also hearty. Even he want to be my friend. Even after all his looks, he loves to be alone. Maybe that's of of the reasons why I make a friend with him. Because both of us loves to be alone! He always help me. In everything which I need other's help! Even he planned a date for me. He introduced me to his friends in high school, even though I'm not interested at all. He forced me to see all his high school friends. He wants me to have a boyfriend.

"Hey, Dave. Who's she?"

"Hm? That lady? Ah, she is Mr. Edward's new secretary."

"But if it's true that she is the secretary of an insurance company, she's not supposed to be here. What is she doing, then?"

"I don't know. Never mind. Maybe it's monitoring or anything else. Come on, let's go back to work."

It's the first time a secretary come into our teritory, the archives-workers. Usually, we delivered it directly to our boss or to her. I've never seen that woman too. At that time, I think so hard abaout what's going on with the previous secretary. Is she,, not hot enough? What a sly boss! But is it true? Ah, Dave's right. It's better to finish this report, as soon as possible.

"Are you free this weekend?"



"Yeah? Oh. This weekend? I don't know, Dave. I have to finish my work first. Besides, if you're going to introduce me to your "bad" friends, I'll definitely stay at home. Alone."

"Heyy! I don't want to do that again! I'm running out of handsome man after what you done to them, Julie."

"Then what is it? Pay attention to your tables, Dave. There's too much zero on it."

"I just want to ask you to come to the water park with me. It looks like you don't really enjoy your weekend time. You need to be relaxed sometimes.."

"You ask me to come??!! Huh. I think, it's better for you to ask your girlfriend! She needs your respect more than me, Dave!"

"Who said that I have a girlfriend?"

In the age of 34, I'm more sensitive to talks like that. Moreover, my onlyfriend at the office is Dave, and he's never off from the word "love" "babe" and "couples". Maybe, I'm going insane, thinking why I can be his friend. Haha! Yeah, sometimes you need a little bit jokes while working. But it looks like he doesn't have any other thing to discuss. For example, this morning's news, new songs on iTunes, last night's concert, or any other thing. Wierd Dave.

"Okay. I'll try to come with you. But first, stay focus with your tables! If we don't finish this report quickly, I won't accompany you to the water park!"

"Yes, madam. Wah! You're good enough to be a boss, huh? Haha!"

"Just be quiet, and do your work, David William!"

Maybe, this is a way to lose a little bit of my stiffness in life. A small refreshing like going to water park with my friend definitely will affect my mood. This financial-report must be finished quickly. But Dave. GOD~ He looks like a 5-year-old boy in front of a new computer! He's not going to help me if he stays wierd like that. He burden me! His works is not as hard as mine, and I should consider that thing. Once again, I should do an EXTRA WORK. Once again. E-X-T-R-A. But water park is not too bad for an office-worker like me. Hahaha...



So, in this chapter, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Fachrina Salma Dini. Most of people around me called me Dini. But in this case, I'd like to write my name with the word "author" or just, "I". Hehe...

Yaps, this is my first story with HISTORICAL FICTION + MYSTERY/THRILLER theme. It's a little bit serious theme for a highscholar like me. But it's a challenge for me. I don't know why, I love this kind of genre. Homorous adventure, with a little bit touch of romance and thriller. That's why, I made the PROLOG a little bit "sweet". But don't worry. This story will have a great "twist" and totally worth it to be read. It'll be UPDATED IF the this story read 20 times or more. But maybe it'll take a longtime for me to translate the story into english. So, be patient~ Haha...

I'm so sorry for my mistakes in writings and grammars. My first language is not english, so.. yeah. It's a challenge too, turning this story to its english version.

Don't forget to give me some comment on the provided box below. I need your support with your vote for this story, by clicking the star below. I'm totally open for your advice, guys. I'm still a newbie anyway. Or meybe, the newbie of newbies? That's all~ THANKS A LOT!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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