The Interview

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"I'm so stressed !" I exclaimed. David and I were at the backstage waiting to be called for the interview.
"Don't be love, everything will be alright, I'm with you." He whispered gently then kissed my lips. I put my head down David took it in his sweet hands and asked :"What's happening, love ??"
You could see the tears in my eyes.
-"I.. I miss Ducan so much. I articulated.
And knowing that he's probably sad with this awful girl, breaks my heart. I burst into tears.
-Shht... Love, I know Angie is maybe the worst mother ever but, she's his mother unfortunately and I hate it when you're crying, so tomorrow when we go back to America, I'll try to see a lawyer to get the permanent custody. It will be hard I think. David mumbled hugging me in his arms.
-My father is a lawyer so maybe he can help us, even if he has never done something for me, we can try. I said eyes full of tears.
I saw David's face delighted.
-You would do that for me ??
-Of course David, I love you and I love Ducan too.
My parents live in Memphis, in the Tennessee so maybe next week we can try to see them.
-Oh my love, you're the joy of my life ! I love you very much I truly do. David said happily hugging me in his arms.
-Me too I whispered.
-If I get my love, my son and maybe another child beside me, I'll be the happiest man ever." He said smiling at me. I smiled back. This man was amazing.


"Signore e signori, David e Victoria Bowie !" The presenter said to the audience. Everyone was clapping and cheering. I was a little bit embarrassed because it wasn't my place. I belonged to a music shop. I would be in the audience and it would have a beautiful lady at my place. I was holding David's hand so tight that I think I cut his bloodstream.
We sat down on the red sofa in front of the presenter and he began to ask his questions.
-"So Mr and Mrs Bowie where and when did you meet ?? He asked in his Italian accent.
-Well... Do you want to begin love ?? I will complete what you'll say. David said holding my hand.
-Alright..." I articulated. The shame and the fear got my entire body and the silence in the audience was terribly stressful.
...I met David a few weeks ago, in New York in my shop...
I looked at David who was smiling at me.
... And since I'm deeply in love with him. I finished.
-Victoria is probably the most perfect girl I met in my life, her kindness, her intelligence... Everything about her is perfect. I love her I truly do." He affirmed smiling.
I blushed and began red tomato. Then he kissed me. I could the audience clapping and cheering once again. I was full of shame, I wanted to die but David was here. He was always here in the worst situations. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "I love you" I mumbled. "I love you too" he replied.
The interview has continued for three or four hours again. I quasi said nothing, just when David told me to say something. They spoke about 'Pinups' David's new album which was going to be on sale the day after the interview.

At the end of the interview we went back at the backstage, the presenter thanked us and asked :
-"David, don't you mind to sign my little girl an autograph, she's 5 and since she's 2 she plays nothing but your music if you can do it, I'll be forever thankful.
He said very awkward.
-It would be a pleasure to meet her. David replied smiling.
-Oh okay. Lizzie ! Lizzie !" He called the little girl. She has beautiful brown eyes and and mousy hair. She was so cute. When she saw David she stopped and her chocolate eyes were focused on him.
He got down on his knees to see her better and she didn't move. She was still looking at him.
-"Hello Lizzie. He whispered.
-Hello David Bowie. She replied moved with the cutest voice ever."
He took the piece of paper that she was holding and signed it.
He handed back to her and she smiled. She was so precious. David opened his arms and hugged her. -"Thank you David Bowie. She said happily.
-You're welcome gorgeous." He replied.
I was watching them together and you could feel a strong connection between them. The scene was melting my heart. You could see that David was good with children and how good he will be with his when I give them to it. The little one went away running with the picture in her hand while his father was gently thanking David.


We went off the car in front of the hotel. David grabbed my hand and we ran to the elevator.

He kissed me passionately until the seventh floor, our floor. Fortunately, nobody came while we were kissing each other. It would have broken the magic.
He picked me like a princess and went in our room, he lay me down on the bed and kissed me more passionately. I took off his jacket and threw it away, he got off my shoes then I unbuttoned his shirt. He started kissing my neck, giving me another hickey. I shut my eyes and moaned in pleasure. We were finally both naked crawling on the bed hugging and kissing each other.
"You ready ??" He asked. I kissed him and he rolled over me. I spread my legs and he entered my fast. I moaned in pleasure. He kissed me while he was moving his hips faster as he could. He was wild and uncontrollable. I screamed his name many times and when he finally calmed down he whispered trembling in my ear :
"Love, I feel I'm close now."
And soon he let go a little scream. I felt him ejaculate inside me.
He lay his head on my chest and I caressed his soft red red. We were both breathing fast and really tired.
-"David Robert Jones, I think you put a child inside me now. I mumbled to him.
-I hope so Victoria Deborah George." He replied. I smiled, kissed my stomach and lay beside me. He wrapped my body in his arms and put his head on my back.
This night was memorable, making love in Florence is something very special.
The only thing we hoped now, was that our union could bring us a child.

Dear readers I'm finally back and Just For One Day, is close to 500 ! Thank you very much for your readings, votes and lovely comments. :)

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