I hadn't told him yet, not because I was afraid of what he would say. In fact, I like to think he would be ecstatic— it wouldn't only be a new start to the Gallifreyan race, to the Time Lords, but a start to a family we would have together. I was going to tell him (and my mum) that day. But I didn't get a chance.

But I know the consequences. I know the Doctor— if I tell him about the baby, his baby, he would stop at nothing to get me back, to get his child— the first human-Time Lord child in existence— and me— back to him.

I decide I'm going to tell him it's Mum and Pete's. It'll be easier that way, and he'll still be happy for us.

"You're not...?"

His expression, with the sad yet hopeful eyes, and those two simple words, and the fact that I feel like I can hear and feel his heartbeats either crashing to a stop or racing a thousand beats per minute, along with my own heart: these things all make my train of thought skid to a halt. My mind goes blank, forgetting the original plan, forgetting the Consequences, with a capital 'C' in my head now to remind myself of what would happen if he knew the truth.

Rule 1- the Doctor lies. I think I've heard that somewhere. But that doesn't mean he's a lying villain who manipulates everyone he meets. He's protecting us, the people he travels with. Jack and I, he lies to us so that we don't know what it's like to feel like he does. The Time War did a number on his soul, and he lied about that to keep us from feeling sorry for him, and to not put the burden of a million, billion dead Time Lords in our hearts and on our minds. He's lied to us about plenty of things— more times than I've cared to be lied to— but I know it's most often to protect us. To not lose us.

So shouldn't I lie to him, to protect him, not to mention the two at-risk universes?

But this baby—how am I going to raise it without him? Besides the typical thing about parenting being easier with two, how am I going to raise a human child that's also half Time Lord? I don't know the first thing about Time Lord anatomy, besides the binary-vascular thing and the regeneration thing.

Oh my God, will this kid regenerate? Not like I would ever let anything happen to him or her, but still...

These thoughts whiz through my head within a few seconds. The possible future zooms past my eyes in an instant, and I can't see the good outcome—

Wait. The Doctor lies to protect. But this time, where are we? Separated by a wall between two entire universes. He lies to protect us, so he can keep us close to him. If I lie to him, I won't be close to him. I won't be there for him.

Will hiding the truth from him really help us? It won't help me, it won't help the baby, and it sure as hell won't help him.

I know full well how the Doctor will react, what exactly he'll do. I know the Consequences. Screw them.

Little Time Tot, your daddy's coming to get you.

After these millions of thoughts in a few short seconds,
I nod.

"I am," I say quietly. "I was going to tell you before we got separated."

His eyes widening, I hear the Doctor's breath hitch in his throat. He looks down, thinking quickly. Then he looks up at me, eyes full of determination.

"I'm coming to get you."

And just like that, the Doctor forgets his rules. Bye-bye, universes, my Doctor's coming for me.

His image disappears, the last thing I see being him pulling down a lever at the TARDIS console. I'm left standing alone, processing what's about to happen, and what I've just done.

Mum runs over, Pete close behind her.

"What happened?" she asks seriously.

"I told him," I say plainly.

She and Pete gasp lightly, exchanging a worried look between each other.

"Rose, I told you it wouldn't be good," he warned. It was true: I had talked it over with him, what I worried about, what I knew the Doctor would do if the truth came to him. Pete calmly advised I don't say anything. I could see in his eyes now that he wasn't angry with my decision—just extremely concerned for the two universes' fate.

"So he's coming?" Mum asks.


Hurry, Doctor. I can't deal with two collapsing universes on my own.


~ ~ ~

SORRYYYY I didn't mean for it to be a multiple-parter but it just happened that way. Hey, at least you have something to look forward to! (I'll try to update the second part soon).

* Now go back and look at the post that inspired me to write this (beginning picture *

Makes you think, doesn't it?

I would have started a whole book about this, but I already have like 3 or 4 TenRose books started. (Yikes).

Hope you enjoyed it :) Look for part two coming soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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