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your eyes looked at the vast flied in front of you. the scene was rather calming. this was what you needed. you (g/n) a homeworld gem on earth?! you weren't supposed to be here or anything but...


you stared outside of your jail cell thinking about the day you would finally feel freedom.

it was peridot. the only gem you trusted. and she betrayed you. the word betrayed left a bitter taste on your tongue .

you watched as the gem waled past your cell. you turned but not before giving her a glare. the gem looked down sadly. she didnt want it to turn out this way but she wouldnt dare disobey yellow diamond.

why were you in the cell? well you decided to go against yellow diamonds order. the short time you were on earth you made friends with the small hybrid child steven.

as the ship caught fire sourng to earth like a bullet peridot went to her escape pod... but not before you jumped in.


she had poofed on the way back home. as you picked up the green gem you sat down. you caressed the gems smooth surface.

as much as you hate to admit it you fell for the gem with your time together as friends




peridot X gem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now