Part 2: Head Trip

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Head Trip

©2016, Olan L. Smith

John Houston relaxed in his office chair. He placed his feet up on his desktop, placed his hands behind his head, interlocking his fingers, leaning back as far as he could and said, "Julian, you know the risk of engaging in this venture; it is not for everyone. Even though it will take a few moments to insert yourself, real time, in your mind it will seem like an eternity."

"Yes, John, I know the risks and have read of the failures, people coming back with their brains scrabbled but think of it. To have a chance to visit another dimension, another realm will be something I will never forget. I can walk with alien people as though I am one. I will even think I am one. Such an adventure is something I cannot pass up, despite the known danger the reward are beyond comprehension. John I am an adventurer, this project was made for me."

"Julian, it is your money I just wanted you to understand we have no control in what creature you will end up in. You could become a fly or a virus, any cognitive being. You will not remember this life―you will become in essence that thing."

"I understand but if I do not get the experience I want the first time around I can immediately return and take my chance the next time my number comes up. All we are talking about is a few hours in a dimensional chair. It is not like a lifetime commitment."

"Yes, that is true but some of the nightmare stories I have heard would curl your toes; wars, murder, suicides and untold sorrows could await you. You are my closest friend I would hate to lose you."

"Yes, but the sensory input I hear is beyond anything we have. Imagine rich colors, the smells the touch of so many different textures, and then there are the tastes I have heard about. Things we can't even imagine. You know my abilities, John. I can do this thing."

"Alright you can have the next available chair, one is coming up in an hour. What dimension would you like to select?"

"I have been giving this great thought, John. I want to experience the third dimension, especially the planet Earth."


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