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Gabriella and Troy together at last. The love was complete again. Like two halves of a heart. A yin and yang. Peanut butter and JELLY.
George and Washington. Nothing could separate them. EVER.


Troy didn't flinch when Gabriella ran into his arms. He didn't even question it. It felt so right. But not as right as Chad. He knew he loved her.


Gabriella leaped into his arms and he fell back she hugged him and kisses him and they moved to the other end of the room. "Wait Troy, before there's something I have to tell you." Gabriella got serious. Her hands were on his rippling  muscular handsome beautiful chest. "Troy---" she paused "I never loved you!" And before he could even process what she had said, he felt himself falling and realized she had pushed him.


Troy felt it. He felt it in his mouth. It was a sweet flavor, like strawberries. Could it be.... Jelly?! He felt himself begin to sink and had to move his arms to stay afloat. He saw his love's face staring down at him. She said "oh just a btw, I had an affair with Chad when you two were married. And ChowTow is my child." Those were the last words Troy Bolton heard before his mouth clogged up with jelly.

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