"Nothing is wrong with it. It is very good, It just reminds me of him." Haymitch sighs.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." I nod and finish my stew in silence.


*spongebob voice* Four days later



I wake up with a spring in my step. today is when I get my stitches out. I could not be more excited. I know even when they get taken out I still need to be on bed rest for another 5 days, but I don't care. The ugly stitches will be out. Haymitch is coming back around 2:00 to take me to the hospital. I go into the kitchen to get myself some breakfast, when I hear the phone ring. I walk over and pick it up. I hate answering the phone. I get nervous as to who could be on the other end. I place it onto my ear and answer with a nervous Hello. I am relieved when I hear Haymitch's voice on the other end.

"Hey sweetheart. How's your morning been?"

"Good so far, I just woke up though. I am just making breakfast now." I say as I slip slices of bread into the toaster. "What about you? How was your morning?" Haymitch chuckles on the other end. My curiosity gets the best of me. "Why are you laughing?"

"My morning was more eventful then usual."

"Why what happened?"

"I got to chat with Finnick Odair."

"You talked to Finnick? No wonder you had an eventful morning. What did he do?"

"He walked in my office and sat down asking if I could ponder his life with him whatever that means."


"Yeah. Odd kid. I just called to see how your morning was. I'll see you at two. You're on bed rest Katniss remember that!"

"Yeah yeah." The beeping on the other line cues the end of the call. I put the phone back and take my toast out of the toaster. After spreading peanut butter on it, I grab the plate and sit on the couch.

When 2:00 rolls around, I cannot sit still. I have waited 2 weeks for these stitches to be out, and it is finally happening. I don't know why I am so excited for this, but I have been waiting for two weeks, so, yeah I'm really excited. When Haymitch pulls into the driveway, he doesn't have a chance to get out of the car before I am in the front seat. We stay silent for most of the ride.

"Would you stop that?" I look at him questioningly.

"Stop what?"

"Your leg!" He points down at my leg and I see it bouncing up and down out of nervousness.

"Sorry." I try my best to make it stop, but it doesn't work. The ride to the hospital feels like hours, but its only around 30 minutes. The automatic doors open for Haymitch and I as we walk into the waiting room, causing some heads to turn to look at us. Haymitch turns to me. "Go sit down, I'm going to run to the bathroom." I nod and find some seats in a corner. After thirty seconds of awkwardly examining my fingernails, I see someone make their way over to me.

"Katniss?!" I look up to see someone I haven't seen in a long time. An old friend you could say, though very few words were exchanged between the two of us.

"Hi Madge. It's been awhile since I last saw you, how have you been? I push my short hair out of my eyes.

"I'm okay. We've been worried about you. where have you been?"

"Sick. I've been on bed rest for two weeks."

"When will you be back?"

"Depends on how this appointment goes, I suppose. How has everyone been?"

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