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Woo woo!
He smirked and got up to look out his window. He watched you walk from your room to the kitchen. He ran to your room and grabbed your phone. He snuck into the kitchen and waited.

Your P.o.v.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I took a sip and set the glass back down. Out of no where I here music play. I instantly recognized it , Animals by Maroon 5. I looked around to see if there was anyone in the room. When I saw no one I quietly started singing along. As the song pagressed I sung louder, but not loud enough for my voice to be heard anywhere but the kitchen. While the chorus started I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist. I quickly turned to where I was face to face with Ace. And when I say face to face I mean our noses were barely touching. "A-Ace?" I managed to stammer out. I felt my face go hot because I had a major crush on him since I joined the whiteboard pirates. "You have a lovely voice (y/n), you know that?" He smirked. "A- bu..... Eh..... M-m.." Was all I was able to say. He smiled and Nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. Then the strangest thing happened... He started to sing the chorus. " baby I'm preying on you tonight" He whisper/sung into my ear which sent a shiver down my spine. "Come on , (y/n). Sing ." he begged. "I-i don't sing." He rolled his eyes " And I'm wearing a shirt... Come on no girl no lie lie lie lie, you can't deny -ny -ny -ny - ny the beast inside side side side side. " he smirked again and slowly kissed my neck. "S-stop" " I'll stop when you sing, love." I blushed a deep shade of crimson. " if I do, will you stop?" He nodded " but it has to be this song."

Animals/ Ace X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now