What to do....

120 5 17

Please let me know if I totally sucked at writing....
Ace was wandering the deck of the Moby Dick. He huffed in frustration in trying and failing to find something to do, Well almost failing anyway, when he heard a familiar voice singing.

Baby I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down, eat you alive
Just like animals, animals,like animals,-mals

He slightly sighed at the sound of your voice and followed it to your room. He peeked through the window and saw you lying in bed with (f/c) earphones on, that were blasting the song that you were singing.

Baby you think that you can hide? I can smell your sent for miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals,-mals

He finally decided on leaning on your doorframe and listening to you sing your lungs out to your favorite Maroon 5 song.

*Time Skipp :b*

After a minute or two , you sang out the last verse and slid off your earphones. Ace swiftly exited the room and walked off to his. An idea then sparked and a smirk grew on his face.

Animals/ Ace X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora