"Hey, its Niall."

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I walked down the school hallway, my nose stuck in a book like usual. I stop by my locker, opening it without even taking a glance. I finally put the book down, and grab all of my things for the first few class periods. I take a look at the polaroids of the band One Direction and I. One group photo, and crazy individual ones. The one I love the most is the one with Niall. His green eyes shining, his white smile bright, and his struggle of trying to carry me on his back. Both of us happy together, like a brother and sister. Or possibly something more. I slam my locker door shut, and jump at the sight of Skye when I turn.

"Skye, oh my gosh, you nearly gave me a bloody heart attack!" I said, gripping my chest. "I'm sorry, love, I didn't mean to!" she said chuckling. She leaned against a locker, and we had ourselves a nice conversation before class. "So, how's you?" I inquire, reading my story once again.
"I'm good. How about you?"
"I'm alright, thanks, love."
"I saw you looking at your polaroids, especially the one with you and Niall. Do you still have a crush on him?"

I blushed at the question, but I tried to hide it. "No, of course not."
"Liar!" she nearly shouts, making a few people look towards us. "I'm not lying, Skye," I said a little embarrassed. "Oh, come on Wafa, you know it's true!"
"Fine, fine, I probably still like him a little. But that's it."
"Whatever you say."
I saw as Morgan walked pasted us, waving while the bell rung in my ears. "That's our cue. Let's get to Social Studies before were late. You never want to see Mrs. Riley angry."
"Tell me about it," I laughed, and trekked to Mrs. Riley's class.
After school, Skye, Morgan and I walked to my home to sleepover. On our way, we bump into Gloria Joelle and her bestie Kayla Patterson. We try to hide our faces and pass them both without any trouble, but that plan doesn't seem to work too well. They shout for us, though we still kept going. After about two or three minutes, we heard their footsteps behind us, following our tracks. Then Morgan stopped and turned around, obviously annoyed.

"What do you want?" she snapped.
"Nothing, nothing, we just wanted to remind you how nerdy you and your friends were. You're total losers. Especially you and Wafa. And you're just hideous."

Wow, she really knows how to hurt my feelings. Ouch. I'm so hurt.

"I'm hideous? Huh, that's odd. I was trying to look like you today."
Gloria got this offended look on her face, Skye and I couldn't help but chuckle in the background.
"Well, you might want to think about wearing a mask. Your make-up doesn't really help with covering all your flaws."
"I'm sorry, but the only way you can insult me is if I actually value your opinion. Nice try, though. Also, I'm not the only one with flaws. Is that a zit I see?"
"A zit? Where!?" she started to freak out, and asked Kayla for assistance. Morgan, Skye and I could barley breathe. Gloria's face was cherry red, turning around with nothing else to say, Kayla by her side. The rest of the way there, we couldn't stop talking about it. I think there actually was a zit on her forehead. Morgan didn't even notice. Once we get to my house, we eat some pizza and cookies and put on our onesies (YES IM BRINGING IN THE ONESIES). Soon enough Alexa shows up, and we hang around upstairs in my room. We sing karaoke, talk about bands, and basically do what the normal is. Rant, be weird, and care for each other. And act like idiots. After a while, I finally bring up the question. "Where were you today, Alexa? I didn't see you at school."
"Oh, I was helping my parents pack. We're moving a bit closer to you because my grandmother is your neighbor. She's been going through some health problems, and my mother wants to be there if something happens to her."
"Oh, well that's reasonable."
"Did you hear that Zayn and Liam have been hanging out a lot lately while the bands on break?"
"OMG, Ziam!" I screeched out, happiness filling my veins. We all laugh as Skye reads the article she found. "Let's tell you about Zayns whereabouts ever since he left One Direction, and who he's with. This picture is an unseen picture of Zayn and Liam walking down the street together only a few weeks ago. We asked Zayn if he was trying to catch up with Liam ever since he left, and this is what he responded with: 'That's part of it. I was mostly hanging around with him because I missed him. He was more of a brother to me than a friend, and I want our friendship to last for a long while. Maybe even forever.'"

"Ziam!" I screamed, and every mine stared at me before laughing.

"We asked Liam the same question," Skye continued. "Here's his answer: 'Zayn is like family to me. We've been friends since we were children, and we have this strong unbreakable bond that we don't share with anyone else. I just hope we both keep in contact, and we don't break apart.' Ziam shippers are going crazy about this news, and fans alone! They're—" Skye was interrupted by a cellphone call.
"Hey, it's Niall."

All of our expressions turn into confusion as Skye answers the call. "Hello?"
"Hey, Skye. It's Niall."
"Hey, Niall. Whatcha up to?"
"Nothing much. Just waiting to get out of this bloody drive-thru."
"Why are you at a drive-thru? Isn't there fancy restaurants you can go to where you're at?"
"Well, no. I'm actually on my way to visit you guys."
"Really? Niall, that's great! We can't wait to see you."
"Yeah, I can't as well. May I speak to Wafa, please?"
"Oh, of course."

She hands me the phone, and my heart starts pounding so loudly, they probably could hear it.

"Hey, love. How are you?"
"I'm good, Niall, thanks. You?"
"I'm alright. Skye probably already told you, but I'm coming to visit. I should be around tomorrow in the late afternoon."
"That's great!"

I felt my stomach twist and turn.

"I'm also brining Hailey with me, since she's always wanted to travel with me."
"Is something wrong?"
"Oh, no, it's just, I thought it was going to just be you."
"Heh, I wish. Now I've gotta finally order at the drive-thru. I'll speak to you later, love."
"Alright, Niall. Keep smiling."

And I hung up. "He's coming to visit." I said, and silence filled the room before we all jumped up and got really excited for no reason.

Typical us.

Love You Goodbye (Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now