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My name is Alec Daniels. I am 17 years old, blonde hair about as bright as the sun, with deep sea foam green eyes and a muscular build. I go to Skullington Academy for Delinquents, and yes, I am your typical bad boy. Mostly black clothing, snakebites, gages size 4", and a snake tattoo up my arm. Im as gay as they come so ladies, no thanks. Im currently not interested in anyone.

This is my story, the story of the day my entire world changed, maybe for the better.

*Markus' s p.o.v.*

As I walked into the school id be calling my home, at least till I got kicked out , I got alot of stares and I just flipped them all off, I swear the girls In this school couldnt make their skirts any shorter if they tried. Oh well im gay so they can all screw off. I plugged in my headphones and listened to "last resort" by papa roach and walked down the hall or at lest tried to, it would be easier if I hadnt walked into...a wall?

I looked up and nope, it was a huge guy, maybe 6'6? Dark black hair and peircings everywhere. I relized he was talking so I took out my head phones. "What was that?" I asked coldly. "I said watch where the hell I am walking punk." Next thing I knew I was aginst a locker and a fist was swinging at my face so I closed my eyes and waited for the blow that never came. When I opened my eyes there was another guy holding the guys fist behind his back.

"You alright new kid? Im Alec by the way." He smiled the most breath taking smile ive ever seen in my life and I almost forgot to breath. "Y..yea im fine, thanks" I blushed lightly and noticed the guy struggling to get out of Alec's grasp with no result. "Can you let me go Alec?" He whimpered. Ha pansy! "if you promise not to try to hit him Ever again." He glared at the kid and I swear even I was scared, his voice was so venomus, nothing like when he talked to me, and if looks could kill, someone would be dead.

"Alright fine, hey kid im sorry I tried to pumble you alright?" I smiled lightly and nodded, then Alec let him go and shoved him down the hallway away from us. I didnt even notice Alec move closer to me while I watched the guy run away and when I looked back at Alec his face was only inches from mine, and my breath caught in my throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2013 ⏰

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