Chapter 5

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Laila P.O.V

        My cheeks went red when I realized Draco's hands were still on my waist. I then find myself leaning in and him doing the same. I just couldn't stop staring at his beautiful eyes. Our lips were inches away from touching but we were then interrupted by Harry yelling.

"GET THE BLOODY HELL AWAY FROM MY SISTER MALFOY!" Said Harry with steam coming out of his ears.

"Harry! Stop it Draco is my friend and you are not the boss of me!" "It looks like he has more than friendship on his mind." Said Harry death staring Malfoy. "You heard her Potter! She said to leave her the Bloody hell alone!" Said Malfoy snaring at him.

"If you even look at her again I'll have your head!" Said Harry getting into his face. Making Draco get even more angry. Then Ron comes over to see what the fuss is about.

"Harry what the bloody hell is going on?" Says Ron giving Draco a nasty look. I just stared at him angrily. "Malfoy won't get it into his thick skull to leave Laila alone." Said Harry looking at me angrily.

"You want to go Potter!" Yelled Draco getting his wand out of his pocket. "Draco please calm down." I say quietly touching his arm.

He looks at me and then puts his wand away. "If anything Malfoy would just kill me like the rest of those people since he's a a deadly deatheater!" Said Harry bluntly.

Draco then walked angrily away. I walked up to Harry and slapped him hard across the face. Him and Ron just stared at me in shock. "What the bloody hell was that fo....." Said Harry but was interrupted.

"You stay far away from me!" I say walking away angrily to try and find Draco.

I looked everywhere but I ended up finding him sitting by a tree looking down to the ground. When I got closer i saw that he was actually looking at his arm where his dark mark was.

"Draco....Draco I'm so sorry about what Harry said." I say sitting down next to him. "No, he's right. I am deadly." Said Draco with a sad expression on his face. "Draco don't you dare say that! That is not true. You are a kind and caring person!" I say taking his hand in mine.

"Maybe I should stay away from you. It's for the best." He says standing up getting ready to leave. "Draco please don't! Your my best friends!" "I'm just gonna end up hurting you again. Just please stay away from me." He says blankly and starts to walk away.

"Draco. Draco please don't do this!" I say pleading at him but he doesn't stop. He keeps on going until I can no longer see him. I then just sit by the tree crying a river. I realized then that I have fallen for him. Now he wants nothing to do with me.

Draco's P.O.V :

I walk away from the girl I've always wanted in life. I just wanted to go back to her and pour out all my feelings to her. But I can't. I must stay away. I'm not worthy of her.

I'll just end up hurting her. I end up looking back at her to see her crying. I just wanted to go up to her to tell her that everything was going to be okay. But I just walked away to my room.

I hated myself for leaving her like that. I lay down in my bed with her stuck in my mind. I felt I was in that state for hours until sleep had finally found me.

End of Chapter

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