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^Malia's School outfit when Mr Tibbles shows them the wheaties box^

The next day at school Mr Tibbles said he had a surprise for us.He pulled away the cloth to reveal a wheaties cereal box with a picture of us on it."Today it's a wheaties box tommorow video games,action figures, lunch boxes the sky is the limit and just to make everyone know who you are try on one of these"Mr Tibbles held up a blue red and white jersey.We weren't the ducks anymore.It looked nice to be honest we had to wear it we're representing the United States.

Everyone got up and got their jersey.

"Ancient Greece blah blah blah"Was all I heard I don't like school it's boring and tiring.But what annoyed me the most was having to wear our stupid track suit.After our class we rollerblade through the road following coach who was driving a golf cart.

"I don't know what I've been told"

"I don't know what I've been told "

"Team USA's gonna win the gold"

"Team USA's gonna win the gold"

"Listen up and listen good"

"Listen up and listen good"

"We're all headed for Hollywood"

"We're all headed for Hollywood"

We skated up in front of the cart having fun like we usually do.

It was time to go to Los Angeles I packed my stuff and we set off to the airport when are plane was boarding we walked into the line and boarded the plane.I had to sit next to in between Luis and Jesse.I had to listen to Jesse and Luis arguing for what I don't know I also had to keep explaining to Luis that I was dating Charlie and he had to back off.

The plane landed and we took a taxi to the the Coliseum.When we arrived we all stared in awe and walked  into the Coliseum with pride and excitement.

We were playing against Trinidad for the first period I was on the bench.We scored.When a voice came from the seated behind me.

"Man my little brother can score on these guys!"A boy said from the crowd."Why don't you go bother him then!"I yelled back at him."Haha I don't got a little brother"I rolled my eyes at him.Who the hell is he anyway.Jesse was glaring at him."Don't worry I won't steal your girlfriend"the boy chuckled back."She's my sister". "Well then what's your name I can take you to dinner sometimes".The boy said trying to flirt with me."None of your business and I'm already taken"."Jesse Malia stop chit chatting and get on the  ice"Coach said to us.

I had the puck when a Trinidadian player pushed me into the goal but the puck didn't go in.I stood up and pushed him"what the hell is wrong with?!"I yelled in his face.The ref pulled me away and put me in the penalty box.There was a knock on the glass to my right I saw the boy from earlier."He dished you bad girl" and put his lips on the glass .I had enough of this kid.I walked over and tried to jump over the board but he ran away."Punk"

The Bash brothers aka Dean and Fulton pushed the Trinidadian players so hard their feet lifted off the ground.Dean scored.Then a trini took the puck and Goldberg missed it.The Trinidadians started playing steel drums cheering.

When Kenny had the puck a trini was heading right for him and he went between his legs and scored.we were 9-2 we won.

Later that day we had our picture taken by the press.After Coach answered his the question a voice came from the crowd."Team USA is going down".We looked over to see the Iceland team "See you on the Ice Bombay".

After that Charlie and I hanged out all day together.

I shared a dorm with Julie and Connie and we had to listen to Fulton and Dean blasting music and singing along to it.Dwayne screaming because someone probably prank on him(hint Goldberg was involved)


Today we were up against Italy at first it was 6-0.Then it was 11-0 in the third period.

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