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We were in Anaheim California we're going up against Iceland again and this time were gonna win I'm positive.As we were talking in our locker room we saw Adam walking in."Coach I woke up this morning and the pain was gone"Adam held up a stick and rotated it all the way.Adam had fractured his wrist when it got slammed with a hockey stick and so Coach had to bench him.

"Sorry Adam but we already got a full roster"Coach said sadly.

Russ was about to take off his Jersey when Charlie stopped him."He can have my spot".Charlie was gonna bench with Coach I think it was a good think Charlie did.We skated over to the benches and sat down waiting for the game to start.

"Stand Tall"

"Fly straight"

"Team USA"

"All the way!"

Averman was center the ref blew the whistle but Gunnar knocked him down.Guy got bodychecked Dean got the puck but got bodychecked into the boards.Gunnar hit the puck but Goldberg missed it.The Icelander were pulling all of them from their feet for no reason.I was fuming from the benches I wanted to be on the Ice so bad.Gunnar makes the shot it was 0-1."Line change Malia,Guy Jesse,Russ ya ready?"

The Icelanders got the puck.They held Russ up against the board for quite a while this is BS.Two Icelanders bodychecked me into the boards I got back up and raced  for the puck.Once I got it I looked over to see Russ open so I passed it to him.Russ was about to do his knuckle puck but an Icelander swiped it from him.Goldberg tried to stop it but it went through.

Once I got the puck I saw that Adam was on the ice and he was open so I passed it to him since he has better puck handling skills than me I only know how to skate fast and hit a puck real good.But an Icelander hit him with his hockey stick on his bad wrist I saw all the ducks on the benches yelling at him I was pissed too.Coach benched me.

Dwayne had the puck and passed it to Luis but an Icelander took it and was headed for the goalposts.Luis was  picking up fast but since he didn't know how to stop he ended up colliding with the Icelander and Goldberg bringing the goal posts down with them.It was 3 to 0.It was time to do the Flying V.

I got on the ice and got in my position we skated down passing the puck I passed the puck back to Jesse but it failed we didn't even get near the goalpost Icelanders came left and right bodychecking us.We all got up and skated up to them.They was 4-0.At least we were going to the second period we have a chance to catch up Averman is center again and gets knocked down.

The Icelanders have the puck.Kenny did one of his figure skating tricks and we got a point.We all hugged and high fived each other.Since we got that point I couldn't wait to get back on the ice.That one point gave me hope.As Kenny was skating away the goalie for the Iceland team was about to fight him Kenny did what Russ's older brother taught him.Kenny threw  down his stick then his gloves and pulled his shirt up and started beating him.Kenny was put into the penalty box for 2 minutes.

Fulton and Dean skated over to Kenny and cheered him on .Dean and Fulton were wilding up the crowd these two boys are crazy they skated by and hit the Icelanders helmet and they got penalty.Connie and I were on the Ice when one of the Iceland players bodychecked us in the wall.I got up and helped Connie up.I looked up to see Connie trying to get the puck but it got stuck in the crevice of the wall I stood in front of her so that when the Icelander was heading our way they wouldn't hit Connie I closed my eyes getting ready for the impact Dean and Fulton were yelling at the top of their lungs at the Iceland player I also heard ."Hold on Connie and Malia I'm coming"It was Dwayne.

Dwayne came over by the Iceland players that was heading my way and lassoed him.I looked up to see Dwayne with a smile on his face."Thanks Dwayne"Connie and I said at the same time.Dwayne was put on penalty for roping."Where I'm from we treat ladies with respect"Dwayne said to him."Thanks Dwayne but we're not ladies we're ducks"Connie said and we elbowed him in the chest and pushed him down.The Icelander was about to get us but I bodychecked him before he could hurt us.

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