I hide the bouquet of flowers behind my back.

Cliche? Yes. Typically flowers and roses are cliche but I didn't want to get her ordinary red roses, so I took flowers out of my mum's garden.

Did she yell at me? Yes. Did she smack my hand multiple times as I was picking them? Definitely. Did it hurt? Hell yes. But it's worth it.

I try to gather myself as best as I can. I sigh before hesitantly bringing my hand to the doorbell, and pushing in gently, until I could hear the ring echoing inside.

I heard footsteps approaching the door and I could feel myself sweating.

"Hello? Who are you?" A man, who I'm assuming was Bostyn's dad, asked as the door swung open and he stood in the door frame.

"Hello sir. I'm Calum. May I see Bostyn?" My hands fiddled with the bouquet behind my back.

He looked at me skeptically, "Umm... Sure. Hold on a second."

He closed the door almost completely, but left it open just enough for me to peak inside and hear what was going on.

"Bostyn! There's a boy here for you."

I could hear someone running downstairs quickly.

"Why is a boy here?" Bostyn hadn't spoke yet, but her dad seemed very curious and concerned about who I was and why I was here.

"Oh... He's a friend of mine. We're just going to hang out with some other people tonight. I'll be back by 10. I promise." She rushed to get her words out and sounded more nervous than I am. Why did she have to lie to him?

"Okay. You better be back home by then. Stay safe."

I heard footsteps coming closer to the door again, so I stood up straighter and tried my best to smile.

"Hey, creep, how's it going?" Just another greeting in a typical Bostyn manner.

"Great now that I'm with you, babe." I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

I took the flowers out from behind my back and held them out towards her, "For you, my lady."

She blushed and tried to look annoyed, "How original, Hood. Thanks."

We began walking to my car now. I went to the passenger side first and opened and closed the door for her before getting in myself and pulling out of her drive way.

"I didn't know what you had planned, so I just wore this. I hope that's okay with you." She glanced over at me and then back away.

She had her hair in loose curls. It's usually in a bun or ponytail. They only times it has been down its been in messy waves. She's wearing light ripped skinny jeans and a tight black crop top along with her usual black adidas hightops.

Her makeup seemed more elaborate than usual. I noticed she had eyeshadow on and more eyeliner than usual. It looked good.

"You look beautiful." I smiled, my eyes still on the road.

I could see her blush out of the corner of my eye. That made me smile even more.

After a couple minutes of silence, she sat up and looked back over towards me, "So, where are we going?"

Illusion (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now