Bostyn's POV

The boys soccer team comes out to the field.

And there he is.

All 6 foot whatever of him.

His warm brown eyes, his messy hair, his muscles.

And that ass. Damn. I never knew guys could have butts that nice.

I guess I had been staring too long in his direction, because he had looked over towards me, flashed that stupid smile of his, and waved at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my sketchbook.

"Guys are just a waste of time at your age, Bostyn. They distract you from what's important. You need to focus on school and sports, not guys." I remember having this conversation with Danielle a couple times. It never really affected me much. I wasn't exactly the girl who had guys chasing after me.

And I definitely didn't mind that. I was very content with being single. I haven't had a boyfriend, and I didn't intend on getting one now.

Whoever this guy was, he was fucking my life up. I can't keep running into him. He's exactly what I don't need right now.

I tried to forget about him and focus on my artwork.

I failed at that. I kept glancing up to watch him. He's really good at soccer. I was shocked at first. He literally just got here and he's already on the team, but after watching him play, I understand why.

Practice was nearly over, so I decided to pack up my stuff and head back to my car.

Dinner was at 6 every night, and I had to be home by then. It was 5:15 now, so I had just enough time to make it home.

I tossed my bag in the passenger seat and put the key in the ignition.

...And the car wouldn't start.

Just fucking peachy.

I tried again, still nothing.

Once I lost all hope for this car to start, I tried to call Danielle to ask her to pick me up. No answer.

I put my head on the steering wheel. The only option left was for me to walk. I might as well try to make it home on time.

I grabbed my bag and got back out of the car.

Just my luck, it starts pouring rain.

I pick up my speed, walking down the sidewalk from the school.

"Hey!" I stop and turn around.

Great. It's him.

"What do you want?" I I look up at him.

"Wow. I give you my hoodie to wear and this is how you treat me?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Fine. Take your stupid shirt. I don't need it." I start to take it off but he grabs my wrist.

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