chapter 4

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 Chapter 4

“Just. Do. It. Bite me," I replied. What came over me? I honestly didn’t know. All I knew was if I didn’t do this, then I would have allowed an innocent human to die. And I honestly couldn’t live with myself knowing I was the cause of that.

"What? Why?" He asked, clearly confused. I only let out a sigh.

"Look, I'd rather have you drink from me than killing an innocent human,” I sighed, getting bewildered look from him.

"Are you sure, love? You don’t have to do this," He explained. I  just nodded my head. Wanting to get this done and over with

"Yeah, I'm sure," I said. He just nodded his head before leaning into my neck, kissing it lightly before piercing his fangs into my neck. I flinched at the pain as he sucked the liquid from my body. I felt myself start to get light headed and I leaned onto Louis for support. He finally pulled away and slit his wrist, then shoving it in my mouth. I tried to push his wrist away, but he wouldn't budge.

"Drink it," he demanded. I shook my head, not wanting to drink his blood, he sighed.

"Just drink it. It will heal you faster,” he replied. Sighing, I drank the blood from his wrist in defeat, letting the metal like substance run down my throat. Immediately, I felt better.


After Louis had fed off me, he went out his door, leaving me in the room by myself. I had just been looking out the window. I watched as the birds flew free. I sighed, knowing I would never have that again. I have to spend the rest of my life with five, blood sucking vampires. As a voice spoke behind me, I jumped slightly.

"Are you ok?" I heard Harry ask. I just nodded my head.

"Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, knowing that wasn't true at all. I was anything but fine, but I wasn't going to admit it. I wasn't going to show any weakness.

"Are you sure love? Because you don't look fine," he replied. Getting an eyeroll from me.

"Yes, I’m fine” I told him again, and continued watching the birds fly freely through the air. I could feel the spot next to me sink. I looked over to see Harry sitting next to me.

"You know, you’re not very good at hiding your emotions," he said. I gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean by that?” I questioned, furring my eyebrows in confusion.

“I mean, I can see right through you and I know you’re not fine. In fact, I know you’re anything but fine. So, why don’t you give up this little act and tell me what’s wrong," he explained.

"Look, it doesn’t even matter ok? Why do you even care?” I questioned.

"Because love, I don’t like seeing girls upset. Especially pretty ones like yourself,” he explained, getting an eyeroll from me.

"It’s nothing, ok? Can we please just forget about it?” I questioned, getting a sigh from Harry.

“Look, you and I both know that's not true, but if you don’t want to tell me then I’m not going to make you. Just know, I’m always willing to listen,” he said.

“I just want to go home!" I expressed, finally caving in to his grieving.

"I know you do babe, I know. But babe, as much as I would love to let you go I just can’t. It’s too risky babe. We can’t risk you telling others what we are,” he said, getting a pleading look from me.

"But I won't, and even if I did it's not like they would believe me! I mean, who would believe that One Direction were vampires! Or that vampires even exist, period!" I exclaimed.

"Look, love, you’re not leaving. So why don't you just try and make the most out of the situation, ” he said.

I sighed before saying "I guess,” I mumbled. But I was not about to give in that easily, I would try and escape. I will find a way out no doubt about that. The door opened interrupting us and Liam walked in.

“We’re watching a movie if you want to join us,” he told us. I nodded my head and got up and followed Liam into the living room where the boys were arguing over which movie to watch. Ten minutes later and the boys are still arguing over a movie.

“Why don’t you just watch all of them?” I suggested. As soon as I said that all heads snapped towards me.

“Hey! That’s a good idea,” Niall said.

“Ok, but we're watching Grease first,” Louis, said.

“Why do we get to watch your movie first!?” Harry shouted starting yet again another argument. I sighed, getting fed up with there arguing and just left the room.

I walked back into Louis’ room and decided to look through what the boys had bought. It looked pretty basic, and then I came across the lace bras and underwear. Oh joy, not only am I kidnapped by blood sucking vampires, but perverted blood sucking vampires.

sighing, I began thinking how I’m going to escape. I clearly can’t just walk out the front door, I would get caught. Come on Jealyn think! There has to be ano- that’s when I noticed a window.

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