Look Up:(6/28/14)

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    All throughout life, the Devil puts distractions in our path so that we can be put astray. Satan doesn't need much time either. It could be one day, and then suddenly you're lost and alone in the woods. You know what I'm talking about, so don't try to act all tough  like you don't. Everyone goes through it, and it's very easy. For example, in today's world it's obvious that kids are all in technology. But, we don't talk about the adults. I mean, we can't do that because adults are ALWAYS right, right? Ha, yeah right. One of the biggest distractions in today's world isn't kids and their technology, it's the adults thinking they're ALWAYS right, that they're superior. Well, adults are using technology a lot, always taking pictures on their smartphones, and then that's not all! Then, they share it on FB, Twitter, etc. It reminds me of Matthew 7:3-"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye." So, I guess that really the biggest distraction in today's world is judging others. Also, just bringing others down. People do it all the time. Ever since the very first sin I bet Adam and Eve looked at each other, and one of the thoughts that went through their heads was,  "Eww! She/he's not wearing any clothes!" It's been a problem for almost the entire existence of man. So, I believe that if we get over that, that it will be the first step towards making Earth the place God intended for it to be. Well, as close as possible. Just remember Matthew 7:3, and whenever you start doing that remember Matthew 7:3. I pray that I do this, because I know that I definitely do this, all the time! I'm not proud of it, but everyone does it! We just need to admit. So, the question is, can you?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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