Lolita laughed and continued to text with him, it consisted of endless flirting and him reminding her to behave ; her reply would always be I can't. I'm a bad girl. Which was true. Lolita unknowingly caused problems at times, but other times she knew what she did. Though, she might've been oblivious to the attention of a man before, now she knew thanks to Mr. Bieber. Based on his reaction to her, she now knew what sort of impact she had on an men's sexual structure.

         Soon, the door bell rang, pulling Lolita away from her conversation with Mr. Bieber. She quickly stood, walking fast to the door in an attempt to beat her mother but she too late. Hearing her mother greet mason rather loudly as soon as she stepped by the archway. Lolita cringed when she saw Dian hugging Mason tightly with him awkwardly hugging back, an uncomfortable smile on his face.

         “How's your mother?” Dian asks, not knowing Lolita was annoyed at the fact that her mother was intervening, mason noticed Lola standing behind her mother, rolling her eyes. Also noticing how she was dressed, the dress she wore would probably make him forget all his morals right then and there.

               “She's doing wonderful, she actually wanted me to tell you hello. ” Mason finally answered, clearing his throat as he caught sight of Lolita raising a perfectly arched eyebrow and curling her lips up into a smirk.

           “Thats great, tell her I said hello back. I'll go fetch Lola for you.”

         Lolita stepped forward, making her presence known by the click of her heels. “No need mother, ” the soft purr of her voice reaching Mason's ears, his body reacting to it.  Lolita bit her lip and tilted her head, looking at Mason's appearance. He was dressed just as appropriate to the date, since his plan was to take her out to the most expensive restaurant in town. With his blue button up with three buttons undone showing his muscular chest, and black dress pants on his hips. His wrist adorned with a gold watch, it glistened and Lolita wondered how he could afford it.

          “You look gorgeous Lola, ” Mason compliment, something Lolita knew already. Instead of replying, she walked up to mason and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek dangerously close to the corner of his lips, causing him to tense slightly and clear his throat.

          “You look great also,” She flirted her hazel eyes penetrating Mason's, unaware of her mother's presence  until there was a sharp sound of Dian clearing her throat behind her back. Her mother was happy that her daughter had a date, but the way Mason eyed her daughter didn't sit well with her. Lolita rolled her eyes playfully yet again and turned towards her mother with a small smile. “Oh, um, I'll be back by eleven Mom.”


       “On the dot?”

       “Yes ma'am, on the dot.”



           Dian nodded approvingly and shooed the two off, reminding them to behave just like everyone else seemed to tell them. Lolita rose an eyebrow at her mother's eagerness to get them out of the house, Mason chuckled as Dian slammed the door rather loudly behind them. “Your mom is awesome. ” he commented as they began to walk down the pavement, where Jaxon's all black mustang awaited them.  It took a little convincing on Jaxon's part, and even more persuasion on his mother's end due the previous mishaps with his father's car. In the end, he was able to receive the keys from a grump Jaxon. 

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