Chapter 1

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Okay lamest cover I ever made. Whatever. I compleatly own everything past this point.



“It was Elphaba, Boq! It was Elphaba!” she screamed.

            Her cry rang through the halls of the governor’s mansion in Munchkinland. She fell to the floor weeping, not able to comprehend Boq leaving her. Her sister leaving her, everyone leaving her.

“No, no…” she sobbed. “This can’t be happening…”  Her life was over and she knew it. She never wanted this. She never wanted to be governor. She never wanted her sister to be an outlaw or stain her family’s good name. All she wanted was Boq. Without Boq, her world was crashing down.

Her thoughts drifted to the knife on the table. Yes, that’s how I can escape… She slowly picked herself up and walked unsteadily to her table. As she picked up the small, gleaming knife, the only thing separating her from life and death, she glanced at the mirror upon the armoire. She didn’t recognize the girl staring back at her. It must be a trick of the light, she thought. Though she knew deep inside that girl was the Wicked Witch of the East and she was eating up what was left of Nessarose Thropp. This is happening to that girl, she thought laughing to herself. Not me. She chucked the knife at the mirror, loving the way it shattered. Loving the way that girl was gone.

I have to find him! Nessa thought as soon as she came back to herself.  She quickly scribbled a note to Boq explaining where she had gone if he came back while she was looking for him. As soon as she finished, she threw the note down on the floor, not caring as in landed among the glass shards, not noticing the knife had slit her palm, and ran for the door. When she finally reached the door, it was a challenge for her to open it because she was unaccustomed to the weight of the door.

When she finally opened the door, she was a sight to see. Her eyes red from crying but wild with fear and rage, her hair falling out of the once pristine bun. But, she cared nothing of her appearance. Her focus was finding Boq.

            She looked all around her, seeing no gleam of tin in the sun-light. She took off running for the first time in her life. But she didn’t care. She had to find him. Nessa ran around the town searching every corner for Boq and scaring munchkins when she tried to ask them if the had seen Boq. Yet, they all hid from her, locking their doors and slamming their shutters, thinking that could keep her away.

Now she was truly alone.

            “Boq...” she called hoarsely. “Boq!” she tried to yell, thinking he would come to her. “Boq, Boq… Oh, Boq! Where are you?” she said starting to cry.

            It isn’t my fault, she thought. It would have never happened if it weren’t for Elphaba. Wicked Elphaba. The sister who ran off, flying around Oz, helping animals that she never knew. The girl who stained the Thropp’s good name. The one who caused her father to die of shame, making her governor. The sister with the book of spells that made Boq’s heart shrink. The sister who turned Boq into a man of tin. The sister who deserted her.

            Sister, ha! What kind of sister was she? thought Nessa. She’s not any sister to me.

            The sky suddenly grew dark and the wind picked up. It lifted her skirts up around her making her look as if she were an evil sorceress. Was she? But, that thought did not linger very long because the wind was starting to lift her off the ground.

 She fought to stay afoot as she started franticly looking for shelter from the on coming storm, pounding on doors of scared munchkins, screaming for help. The sky started to pour, the rain mixing with the tears on her face. When she finally gave up hope of anyone sheltering her, she fought the wind to reach the town square. She stood in the middle of the town square; right in the center of the swirling vortex of the mixing red and yellow brick roads. She whirled around looking for something, anything that may help her. She had no such luck.

Then she saw it.

A small farm house, twirling around in the middle of the twister. And it was coming right at her.

She franticly tried to move out of the twister’s path, but her feet just would not respond. She cried for help though she knew it was useless. The house was flying right at her.

“Boq, my love…” she whispered to the air. The house was inches from her face.

She screamed.



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